A 25-year-old nurse has opened up about her weight loss journey that started with one simple exercise.
Samantha Abreu admitted that she had always struggled with her weight and body image, previously weighing 18st 1lb (114.8kg).
She found it difficult to get through her long-haul shifts as a nurse as she would easily get exhausted.
Worry soon began to creep in that she might become like the elderly patients she cared for, that needed help getting up after a fall.
Samantha, from Melbourne, Australia, revealed: “I worried about being old and not being able to get up after a fall.
“Growing up I always felt insecure, I couldn’t envision a future for myself.
“As I lost weight I still found myself reaching for XL scrubs but they started to feel too baggy and would get in the way.
"Now I feel comfortable and safe in my body."
Samantha also said that growing up she would 'comfort eat', having a 'huge bowl of cereal and slices of toast' after a family meal, for example.
Secret orders from Uber Eats would also happen when her parents were out, and she never exercised.

However, that all changed when lockdown hit.
She started to go on daily walks for her mental health and realised the exercise was a 'blessing' for her, both mentally and physically.
Bit by bit, she started eating intuitively and lessening her portions, and managed to drop 7st 6lbs (47kg) in one year.
Samantha is now at 10st 9lbs (67.6kg) and a size eight, down from a size 22.
She walks 10,000 steps everyday, works out at the gym four times a week and feels 'safe' in her body.
Samantha said: “As a child I did not like movement.
“I’d cry if we went on a walk.
“Now movement makes me feel at peace.
“I kept implementing healthy habits every day.”
The 25-year-old further increased her efforts to exercise more but hasn't changed her diet much, instead focusing on portion sizes.
She explained: “I now view food as fuel.
“I don’t have feelings with food.”
Samantha still eats her cravings, but instead of a pizza for example, she would make a healthier wrap pizza.

Samantha has now fallen in love with strength training and exercise in general, running 5km a week on top of her thousands of steps.
She also said that half the things she does at work don't tire her like they used to.
Samantha concluded: "I move intuitively and it's what works for me.
“It’s completely changed my life.
“It’s lovely looking stronger.
“It makes me feel safe in my body.
"I hope other people can see themselves in me.
"If I can help person and realise they can slowly start implementing change that's all I want."
Topics: Health, Mental Health, News