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Topics: News, UK News, TV and Film, Jeremy Clarkson, Top Gear, Who Wants to Be a Millionaire
Jeremy Clarkson shocked members of the audience on Who Wants to be a Millionaire after he couldn't answer a basic question about the Highway Code.
You would think that if anyone could do that, it would be him. Although, to be fair, if we're going off Top Gear, Clarkson's co-presenter James May would probably be a safer bet for any rule-related queries.
The show's contestant had already tried to phone a friend, who unfortunately had not been able to help him. So, in a final act of desperation he asked host Clarkson for his advice on the answer to the question.
At first, Clarkson thought he was joking, but when he realised he wasn't he appeared to want to help. The car-mad former Top Gear presenter highlighted that he had no earpieces in, and the answers were not on the screen in front of him, so he wouldn't be fed the answer, saying he had no link to 'the outside world'.
But unfortunately for the guest, it turned out that Clarkson didn't know either. Although that does seem surprising, when you see the question, it might start to make a bit more sense.
The question read: "According to the Highway Code, what shape is the standard sign giving the order to stop?" The options were A) Pentagon, B) Hexagon, C) Heptagon, or D) Octagon.
The shape of a stop sign might not be the first thing that Jeremy Clarkson, whose catchphrase on Top Gear was shouting 'POWERRR!' while driving a powerful car very fast, would notice.
Nonetheless, Clarkson did offer some advice, saying: "I think you're right that it is a hexagon, but I'm worried because I've been going through it in my head and it could be an octagon."
The presenter then admitted: "Highway Code, it was 1977 when I last looked at that", presumably when he passed his driving test.
The pair then speculated together saying that the sign had 'straight bits at the side'. Both were leaning towards an octagon.
However, the tension was mounting as the guest stood to lose some £15,000, which Clarkson said he didn't want to be 'responsible' for.
The guest used 50/50, which left a pentagon and an octagon, and then said: "Because you said octagon, I'm going to go with octagon, so it's on you!"
So, octogon, final answer.
A nervous Clarkson asked the 'computer' to reveal the correct answer, which in the end was indeed the octagon.
They got there in the end! Next time though, definitely ask James May. He'd probably also be able to tell you who designed it.