The student who pelted eggs at The King and Queen Consort has been released on bail under the conditions he cannot posses eggs in a public place. You catch watch the incident unfold below:
North Yorkshire Police have bailed Patrick Thelwell, 23, who said that the crowd reacted with 'pure rage' after he launched eggs at King Charles III and the Queen Consort.
The Royal couple managed to miss getting egged as they were quickly ushered away by security.
North Yorkshire Police said: "Here is an update following an arrest during yesterday’s Royal Visit.
"Yesterday, we arrested a 23-year-old man on suspicion of a public order offence during the Royal visit.
"The man has been interviewed and released on police bail.
"He was detained following an incident which occurred as King Charles III and the Queen Consort arrived at Micklegate Bar in York yesterday."

Giving his version of events, Thelwell exclusively told The Mirror: "I was let out at 10pm so it wasn’t that bad, really. My friends were waiting for me. My solicitor was very good.
"After I was arrested, the experience of that crowd - literally screaming and wailing with pure rage. Saying that my head should be on a spike, that I should be murdered on the spot.
"It doesn't phase me because I understand what fascism is, what it looks like.
"People were ripping chunks of my hair out, they were spitting at me. People lost their minds.”
"It's just so revealing to see when you challenge someone’s beliefs in that way, the belief of the superiority of this man’s blood."

Explaining why he did what he did, the 23-year-old thought: "I did what I did because I don't believe in kings. I believe in the equality of all people."
He added: "I believe in democracy and solidarity with all the world's people who are suffering right now in large part because of conditions created by the British state.
“The United Kingdom as a whole, needs to be abolished, dissolved and its assets given as reparations to help the world and build resilience to the climate breakout that we have caused.
"It's time for the people of the world to unite and have the revolution that we desperately need to survive."
Thelwell also told the publication that he has since received death threats following the incident.
He claims that his bail conditions include not going within 500m of the King and not possessing eggs in a public place, unless he's doing his groceries.
Topics: King Charles III, Royal Family, UK News