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Actor Gary Sinise Gifts Customised Home To Wounded Veteran

Actor Gary Sinise Gifts Customised Home To Wounded Veteran

Forrest Gump actor Gary Sinise has gifted a custom-built house to a veteran who was injured in Afghanistan.

Hannah Blackiston

Hannah Blackiston

Gary Sinise has given a veteran who was severely wounded while serving in Afghanistan a bespoke smart home.

Marine Corps Staff Sgt. Jason Ross is a double amputee recovering from an injury that occurred after an improvised explosive device (IED) explosion in Afghanistan.

As reported by AARP, Ross, was, at the time, one of the most severely injured service members to have survived such an encounter.

Sinise told AARP he was taken aback by the extent of Ross' injuries.

"I looked at Jason and I recall I said, 'Well, you are a miracle,'" said Sinise.

Ross lost both his legs and a portion of his pelvic bone in the incident and required more than 240 surgeries following the event.

When he returned to the US, Ross met with Sinise, which led to the veteran receiving a custom-built home.

The home includes wider hallways to accommodate Ross' wheelchair, larger bathrooms and level counters he is able to reach from his chair.

"One of the things we do is build these specially adapted smart technology homes for very badly wounded folks that might not be able to do that for themselves," said Sinise.

"We wanted to support Jason and his recovery and moving forward and to take the stress away"

Ross isn't the only veteran who has been helped by the foundation.

Retired U.S. Army Captain Juan Guerrero, who was severely wounded while serving in Iraq, also received a bespoke smart home to aid him and his family.

Guerrero was injured in Iraq when an explosively formed penetrator (EFP) exploded and hit the vehicle he was in.

Shrapnel from the blast penetrated the bottom of the door and he suffered a broken tibia and fractured left ankle.

Following the incident, he developed a rare form of skin cancer and Guerrero ended up losing both his legs.

Sinise, who was nominated for an Academy Award for his role in Forrest Gump, grew up in a family of veterans and has travelled across the world to visit active-duty soldiers including Iraq and Afghanistan.

He has a long history of giving back to American soldiers and has raised almost $200 million through The Gary Sinise Foundation.

Sinise has also formed the Lt. Dan Band, a cover group that plays military bases around the world, and is part of the Advisory Council of Hope For The Warriors

Featured Image Credit: Emanuel Tanjala / Alamy Stock Photo

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