A dad has told a teacher to get stuffed after she suggested his son invite all 24 classmates to his birthday party.
The father posted a thread on Reddit, asking users whether he was in the wrong for telling his son's educator to stick her request where the sun doesn't shine.
He wrote: “She has no right to tell us who we can and can't invite into our home and that it is crazy I might have to invite up to 72 people for my son to have any friends from his class attend but in truth, I do kind of wish I left that last ‘go f**k yourself’ part off.
“But my friends at work and a few other parents tell me someone needed to take her down a peg since she was getting too big for her britches and deserved a lesson about overstepping.”
The father disclosed that his son’s teacher rang him up upon learning of the 6-year-old’s birthday party.
While on the phone, the primary school teacher explained how she had a policy that if some classmates are attending a birthday party, then the invitation must be extended to everyone.
However, the father said he could not host all those children as well as their parents.
After a ‘bit of back and forth’ the dad admitted to losing his cool.

He revealed in his Reddit thread that the phone call went like this: “‘Lady, it's pretty clear that you're too used to bossing around kids who have to listen to you and that you don't seem to understand that your little fiefdom ends at the end of the school day and doesn't go further than schoolhouse gates. I am not a 6 year old in your class.
“I'm a 38-year-old union electrician planning a private event in my own home, off school hours.
“If you think you're the one to make the rules for me, in my home on which I pay the mortgage on, you can go fuck yourself and there isn't a goddamn thing you can do about it’.
“She then kind of stammered and I ended the call.”
Many users chimed in with their opinion, showing that many were divided on the matter.
One Reddit user defended the father, writing: “Unless she's paying for the party she has ZERO say.”
Another wrote: “It’s not hurtful. At what age do you propose kids can learn that they don’t get included in everything? Teaching them that they do is setting them up for rough lessons in adolescence and into adulthood.”
While a third commented: “Every preschool and elementary school my kids attended had this rule also, as did the schools my spouse and I attended decades ago. It's a very common rule.”