The Australian Government has ramped up its efforts to tell would-be asylum seekers that they have 'zero chance' of being allowed into Australia if they arrive by boat.
The campaign includes a series of games which people can play online - the twist being that they always lose, no matter how skilled or crafty they are.
One such game mimics the iconic 1980s arcade classic, Pac-Man.
No matter the route you take though, a boat will block you at the crucial moment.
Another game involves players attempting to navigate a boat through the water before their 'Fuel' or 'Life' indicators run out.

Players always lose because they run out of fuel or life, get stopped by Border Force or are struck down by a storm.
The 'Zero Chance' campaign is targeted at would-be Sri Lankan migrants.
It also includes a film competition which asked budding filmmakers from the country to 'creatively express' the idea of 'Illegal Migration to Australia', communicating that there is 'zero chance of successfully travelling to Australia by boat'.
It asked that submissions showcase one or more scenarios including: getting caught by people smugglers, risking your life in the rough seas, the effect on the lives of family/ loved ones, and issues faced after being sent back to Sri Lanka.
Films had to be three minutes at most.

The winner will receive a Canon 90D DSLR camera with 18/135mm lens and Dji RSC 2 Gimbal Stabiliser. Second prize is a Dji Mavic Air 2 Drone, while third place gets a GoPro Hero 10 Black Action.
A quick Google indicates the first-prize camera retails for around $2,300 and the stabiliser which comes with it goes for between $600 and $700.
In a short video housed on the site, Minister for Home Affairs, Karen Andrews, said 'keeping the boats stopped' is her 'highest priority'.
"The Australian Government remains resolute," she said.
"And Australia's border protection policies have not changed. Do not attempt an illegal boat journey to Australia.
"You will be intercepted and returned.
"You will never settle in Australia. You have zero chance of success."
Prime Minister Scott Morrison is well-known for having a metal trophy in his office in the shape of an Asian fishing boat emblazoned with 'I stopped these' - a reference to his time as Immigration Minister and his war against those arriving by sea.
Featured Image Credit: Australian Government