Liberal candidate, Katherine Deves has deleted her social media accounts after being called out for multiple transphobic posts including one that said she would get ‘triggered’ by the LGBT flag.
Deves, who has been called Scott Morrison’s ‘captain’s pick’ for Warringah, also apologised after describing transgender children as ‘surgically mutilated and sterilised’.
She had posted topless photos of a trans teenager who had undergone top surgery and wrote: “This photo just hit my feed. It is beyond heartbreaking.”
She added to her initial tweet, saying: “They will not stand for seeing vulnerable children surgically mutilated and sterilised in furtherance of an unattainable idea.
“The lawsuits will be legion, as will the government inquiries. Complete failure of safeguarding. Mark my words.”
The picture had initially been shared on social media by the teenager’s mother with the caption acknowledging the excitement of their son.
It read: “So we are on day 10 post-op, keyhole. Just got home from my son getting his drains out. Wow, he went from misery of post-op to YAY! NO TITTIES!!! Anyway, he 100% gave permission to share this pic.”
In addition to Deves’ tweet, another post took aim at the transgender flag.
She said: “I get triggered by it.”
“Whenever I see it on social media I think ‘What now? What are they demanding now?’ And I grew up with gay relatives and siblings and hung out in Surry Hills and X in Sydney in the 1990s.
“Lots of LGB family and friends, their movement has been destroyed.”
Ms Deves apologised after being called out for the language used toward transgender people.
She told news.com.au: ”My advocacy for the rights and safety of women and girls is well known, and I stand by my desire to ensure we protect the safety of women and girls and our entire community.
”However, the language I used was not acceptable, and for that I apologise.
”My commitment is to continue listening to the views of people in Warringah, and the broader community – I will do this in a respectful way.”
Prime Minister Scott Morrison endorsed Deves on 2GB radio earlier this week.
He said: “Katherine is, you know, an outstanding individual … and she’s standing up for things that she believes in, and I share her views on those topics.
“I think it’s important that they’re raised and it’s got nothing to do with, you know, the broad agenda debates.
“This is just about, you know, common sense and what’s right. And I think Katherine’s right on the money there.”
Might want to backtrack a bit there, Scotty.
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