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Shoelace Killer Nicknamed ‘Hannibal Lecter Junior’ Now Identifies As A Baby In Prison

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Shoelace Killer Nicknamed ‘Hannibal Lecter Junior’ Now Identifies As A Baby In Prison

Sophie Eastwood now demands to have baby food while behind bars and wants to wear nappies.

A killer who is currently behind bars now says she identifies as a baby and needs nappies.

Sophie Eastwood was jailed in 2004 for using her shoelaces to strangle a cellmate.

She had initially been jailed in a young offenders’ institute for dangerous driving when she was 18. She was a month out from being released when she murdered her fellow inmate.

The guards had since nicknamed Eastwood ‘Hannibal Lecter Jr’ due to the mind games she played and her attention-seeking nature, according to LBC.

Polmont Prison.
Scottish Prison Service

It appears the guards are having to give Eastwood even more attention as she now claims to be a baby.

She's reportedly asking guards to hold her hand as she is escorted to and from her prison cell. She’s also asked for nappies and pureed baby food.

The prison service currently has no protocols for cellmates who decide they are now toddlers, however, the Polmont Prison is cooperating and has already given her a dummy. 

Her 15-year minimum sentence finished up in 2019, however, she hasn’t been considered for release due to her reported manipulative behaviour.

A source spoke to the Scottish newspaper Daily Record, saying: “This prisoner has been difficult and manipulative over the years, which is why she is still behind bars after 17 years.

“But this is obviously something else entirely and the Scottish Prison Service has no protocol in place for dealing with prisoners who decide they are babies.”

The source added: “Eastwood is a complex person and intelligent but she is pretty demanding on the resources of the prison and enjoys being the centre of attention.

Sabrina Dalbesio / Alamy

"It’s difficult to know if she really does feel a natural inclination to be treated like a baby or if it’s just some kind of attention-seeking.

“Modern prisons are very tuned in to human rights and the legal implications they throw up, so it’s being given proper consideration.”

Back in 2020, she spoke to the Daily Record, claiming she would have been freed by now if she had remained a man. 

Eastwood transitioned from male going by the name Daniel to a woman called Sophie in 2016 while she was in jail.

She said: “The prison service wanted me to have a psychological assessment as I hadn’t had one since starting to live as a female.

“After that, I was told by a manager that I would have passed the assessment had I still been living as a man.

“I felt this was sexist and transphobic. The SPS was implying that as a man I didn’t ­represent a risk to the public but as a woman I did. I don’t think there’s any evidence to support that.”

Featured Image Credit: Zoonar GmbH / Alamy. Tatyana Tomsickova / Alamy.

Topics: Crime