It's a tradition as old as taxis have been around.
The first thing you do after telling the driver of your taxi or ride share car where you want to go is if they've had a good day.
They might end up giving you their life story over the next 15 minutes, or they could just say 'good' as their reply.
Either way, it's a mark of respect to the person taking you from A to B.
One bloke has showed just how committed he is to this tradition by filming himself do it every time he hopped into an Uber.
Robert Knight turned the camera on himself as he uttered 'busy day, mate?' each time he popped on his seatbelt.
Rob got a bunch of different answers in his compilation, which ranged from good to not so good.
What's particularly hilarious is the way he says 'or' at the end of the question without every elaborating.
That 'or' just hangs there for the driver to fill in with something riveting to say.
While it might not be the most inspiring or informational content you'll read today, it's certainly a reminder to pay your driver the same courtesy.
Some ride share drivers try and flip this angle by giving passengers some options on what happens during their ride.
A driver named George went viral for his list of ways to treat the journey.
There are five options when you hop in George's car: The Stand Up, The Silent Ride, The Therapy Ride, The Creepy Ride and The Rude Ride.
The Stand Up is where George will 'tell you about things that are funny', which could be about his prison stories and other 'poor life choices'.
It doesn't take a genius to guess what the Silent Ride is all about...
The Therapy Ride could be exactly what some people need: when you just want to vent to someone and all they reply with is 'that must be hard', 'wow that's difficult' or 'life just isn't fair is it.'
The last two options aren't as great with The Creepy Ride being where George 'doesn't say anything' and 'will just look at you from time to time in the rearview mirror', promising to be 'all creepy like'.
The Rude Ride is just where he gets to be a d**khead - which could be quite fun if you were George.