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Leaking Toilet Pipe Leads Police To Discover 220 Kilos Of Ice & Over $1 Million In Cash Leaking Toilet Pipe Leads Police To Discover 220 Kilos Of Ice & Over $1 Million In Cash

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Leaking Toilet Pipe Leads Police To Discover 220 Kilos Of Ice & Over $1 Million In Cash

The ice has an estimated street value of $44 million.

Vivienne Kelly

Vivienne Kelly

Workers fixing a pipe in Sydney's south-west got more than they bargained for when they found bags of cash and a 'crystal substance'.

That 'crystal substance' turned out to be methamphetamine (ice).

The workers in Canterbury called police, and officers from Burwood Police Area command declared a crime scene.

In the police's subsequent search, they discovered more ice, weighing in at 220 kilograms with a potential street value of $44 million.

The bags of cash, meanwhile, totalled $1.1 million.

There was also 95 grams of MDMA, 35 grams of cocaine and a number of chemicals used to manufacture gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GBH), gamma-butyrolactone (GBL) and ice.

Even though the discovery and search took place in July last year, NSW Police has now released images of the incident, as well as CCTV footage of a man they believe can assist with their investigations.

Back in 2019, Aussie cops and Border Force found $300 million worth of ice hidden in Sriracha bottles imported from the US.

Featured Image Credit: NSW Police

Topics: News, Drugs, Australia

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