National Rifle Association (NRA) boss Wayne LaPierre has been mocked to his face in front of a room full of gun enthusiasts.
The CEO was taking questions from the public at the NRA Annual Gathering in Texas when he became the butt of a joke by Jason Selvig, who is one half of the comedy duo, The Good Liars.
The NRA conference occurred just a few days after 19 children and two teachers were gunned down in a shooting mass at a school in Texas.
Selvig walked to the podium to make his statement and picked up the microphone to speak.
"My name is Jason Selvig and I'm from West Palm Beach, Florida, and I would like to say that I am sick and tired of the leftwing media spreading misinformation on Wayne LaPierre," the actor said.
"Whenever there is a mass shooting they all say that Wayne LaPierre isn’t doing enough to stop these mass shootings and even implying that Wayne LaPierre has played a part in making it easier for these shooters to get guns."
While it starts out as if Jason is an ardent supporter of the NRA, he subtly throws in his dig.
"You heard it after Las Vegas. Pulse Nightclub in Orlando. After Parkland. El Paso," he said.
"You kept hearing that Wanye LaPierre isn’t doing enough. And frankly, that’s not true."
Selvig had reached his punchline, but judging by the applause in the room, many of the NRA members didn't get the joke.
"The NRA under Wayne LaPierre’s leadership has provided thoughts and prayers to the victims and their families," he said.
"Maybe these mass shootings would stop happening if we all thought a little bit more and we prayed a little more."
At least Wayne LaPierre seemed to understand he was being mocked because at this point he began looking very confused.

"So I’m asking everyone in this room to think and pray. Give your thoughts and your prayers and your prayers and your thoughts," Selvig said.
"And we give enough of these thoughts and these prayers, these mass shootings will stop."
He then added: "So I want to thank you Wayne LaPierre for all your thoughts and prayers."
The savage dig has gone viral on social media and many have praised Selvig for subtly explaining why 'thoughts and prayers' are worthless in the wake of a tragedy.
US President Joe Biden has since called for a tightening of gun laws in the United States.
He also urged Congress to 'stand up to the gun lobby'.
Biden said: "Why are we willing to keep living with this carnage? It is time to turn this pain into action. It's time to act."