If you've ever frothed over a burrito or taco just to have half of the tasty treats inside fall out while you're chowing down, then this is for you.
A Reddit user called RightCoastGuy, also known as Matty Benedetto, has shared a video of his latest 'unnecessary invention'.
To be honest, we sort of love it.
The video goes into full detail as to how the Burrito Bumper works its magic.
"I invented the Burrito Bumper, the food funnel for sloppy burritos that catches your fallen fillings and carefully crafts a secondary taco for you to enjoy," Benedetto's cheerful voiceover explains.
But that's not all.
Benedetto goes on to break it down into steps for those who might not have fully comprehended what the previous statement meant.
"First, effortlessly insert a tortilla into the bottom basket and begin binging on your overstuffed burrito," Benedetto says in the voiceover.
"As it ultimately falls apart, the overflow of ingredients will conveniently flow into the funnel and be swiftly inserted into your newly created taco below."
Then comes the coup de grâce: "Upon the last bite of your burrito, simply reach down and go to town on your freshly recycled taco creation."
Voila, a secondary taco - or burrito, depending on your resources or mood - is now yours to eat.
Reddit users were quick to praise the food funnel, which we're going to point out now that it is a joke product and not for actual distribution.
One user commented: "Finally, some sloppy seconds I don't mind eating."
A second added: "Dude has made a few things I would buy in a heartbeat. This being one for sure."
A third said: "Can't we pay you to actually make these products and then exchange cash for said products?"
While the overwhelming response to the joke invention was favourable, one user questioned the necessity of such a product.
"If you lose enough of your first taco while eating it to make a second taco you have done something seriously wrong," they said.
Fair call, really.
So, if you reckon this would be useful but can't buy it because the Burrito Bumper isn't actually a thing, let us let you in on a secret: you could always do this at home without the funnel.
Just put a tortilla underneath whatever Mexican delight you're chowing down on, and then any delicious tidbits that fall out can make a second mini-burrito.
It's called eating smart, people.
Topics: Weird, Viral, Food And Drink, News