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Study Finds Adding Sugar To Your Coffee Can Help You 'Live Longer'

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Study Finds Adding Sugar To Your Coffee Can Help You 'Live Longer'

If you've ever needed an excuse to go get another cup, then this is it.

Coffee drinkers live longer even if they add a spoonful of sugar to their order, according to new research.

And no, before you ask: Starbucks didn’t sponsor it.

According to a new study published by Annals of Internal Medicine, researchers found that having a coffee habit leads to a healthier and longer life.

Researchers from Southern Medical University in Guangzhou, China, observed 171,000 UK participants across of seven years.

The study found that coffee drinkers were up to 21 per cent less likely to die than those who did not drink coffee.

It was discovered that coffee drinkers were less likely to develop heart diseases and cancer compared to non-coffee drinkers.


But even more interesting was the revelation that people who drank lightly sweetened coffee a day were 29 to 31 per cent less likely to die during the study.

The study also noted that it didn’t matter if people drank 'instant, decaffeinated or ground', all types of coffee prevented participants from developing some significant health issues.

Similarly, another study conducted in 2018 also found a connection between moderate coffee drinkers and a reduced likelihood of developing Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.

Researchers at the University of Toronto and the Krembil Research Institute in Canada discovered that coffee consumption could have a 'neuroprotective effect' which protects avid drinks from developing certain kinds of brain disorders.


This research was further supported by a study called the 'Australian Imaging, Biomarkers and Lifestyle Study of Ageing' at Edith Cowan University in 2021.

They found that drinking coffee helped prevent the brain from atrophy by aiding cognitive function, especially executive functions relating to organising, self-control, and attention.

Lead researcher Dr Samantha Gardener also urged people to up their coffee intake to decrease the risk of developing Alzheimer’s, according to New Food Magazine.

“It’s a simple thing that people can change,” she said.

“It could be particularly useful for people who are at risk of cognitive decline but haven’t developed any symptoms.”

She added: “We might be able to develop some clear guidelines people can follow in middle age and hopefully it could then have a lasting effect.”

Well, there you have it, make it a double!

Featured Image Credit: Alamy.

Topics: News, Food And Drink, Health, Science