A Liberal National Party (LNP) candidate for the Australian Senate has lashed out at plus-sized Aussies and believes they should be banned from purchasing sugary products.
News.com.au reports that Nicole Tobin agreed with a social media post that claimed obese people ‘shouldn’t be able to purchase anything containing white sugar or refined flour’.
“And no soft drink if your BMI is over 30 either,’’ she wrote. “Water or one glass of red wine.”

The LNP candidate spoke with News Corp and blamed overeating on ‘boredom’ .
“You know, because I see young girls … not my daughter, she’s thin," she clarified. “We’re probably blessed with great genes or something. We are busy people and we don’t get time to eat.
“But I know when I am bored, I will eat half a packet of Mint Slice biscuits.
“The next day, I won’t be touching anything, I will live on coffee for the day and have a decent dinner.”
Ms Tobin also took aim at parents who were packing sugary foods in their children’s lunchboxes, even linking tiny teddies to the rising rates of obesity amongst the younger generation.
“I look at the lunch boxes of the children that are not making good choices and there’s a lot of packet food,’’ she said.
“And I know parents are busy. I’m not saying I never sent my children with packaged food, but the ones who consistently have packaged food are the ones that you know, they don’t always make the good choices.

“You’re finding Tiny Teddies. The little muffins that are made at Coles and Woolies.
She also added that she believes health care professionals should be doing more to impose a sugar ban on those struggling with their weight.
Ms Tobin reckons doctors should be more on the front foot when speaking to overweight patients and give them nutrition advice.
This isn’t the first time the Senate candidate has raised eyebrows with her controversial statements.
Last year, while responding to a Twitter post, she said that ‘illiterate’ First Nations voters are being driven by ‘lefties’ to election booths, which she claimed led to voter fraud.
According to News Corp, she wrote in a since-deleted post: “I’ve seen it also within Leichhardt in the last decade, buses driving around usually illiterate people from the Cape around Cairns booths.
“Reported it to AEC booth supervisors and they phoned other relevant booth supervisors and stopped them voting.
“Duplicate voting by unscrupulous lefties driving around uneducated indigenous from booth to booth.”
In the bin with you.
Topics: Australia