A Queensland school has come under fire for forcing parents to sign a contract that ensures their student will identify with their assigned sex at birth.
Mums, dads and guardians were given a letter around a week before the 2022 school year at Citipointe Christian College was due to begin, according to the Courier Mail.
In addition to rejecting the notion of gender non-binary or gender fluid, parents also had to agree with the school's belief that homosexual and bisexual acts are 'destructive to human relationships and society'.
It also likened these acts to 'adultery, fornication, bestiality, incest, paedophilia and pornography' because they're all condemned by God.

The contract also reportedly states that if a student comes out as trans or declares they are a gender that is different to their sex then the school will continue to refer to their sex assigned at birth.
It states: "Whilst each student is individually valued and equally encouraged to pursue opportunities in both academic and co-curricular activities, I/we agree that, where distinctions are made between male and female (inclusive of, but not limited to, for example, uniforms, presentation, terminology, use of facilities and amenities, participation in sporting events and accommodation) such distinctions will be applied on the basis of the individual's biological sex."
Despite the outrage, the school's principal, Pastor Brian Mulheran, is sticking to their policy after being assured by lawyers that it was legal.
"We are seeking to maintain our Christian ethos and to give parents and students the right to make an informed choice about whether they can support and embrace our approach to Christian education," Mr Mulheran said.
"Citipointe does not judge students on their sexuality or gender identity and we would not make a decision about their enrolment in the College simply on that basis.
"We unequivocally love and respect all people regardless of their lifestyle and choices, even if those choices are different to our beliefs and practice."
He added that the school has always held 'these Christian beliefs' but wanted to be upfront with students and their parents about their rules, ethos and expectations.
An online petition was sparked after copies of the contract started circulating on social media.
More than 38,000 people have signed the campaign and have called on Citipointe Christian College to revise their policy or at least adjust their language.
The petition's creator, Bethany Lau wrote: "Citipointe is using their religious beliefs to openly discriminate against queer and trans students, as well as threatening to take away their education."
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