Scott Morrison has just poured fuel on the fire of the rapid antigen test (RAT) debate after admitting he has never personally purchased one before.
That's right, the man who said everything can't just be free has never actually bought a test.
Worse still, he either gets tax-payer funded tests delivered to him at work, or, he sends his wife Jenny out to find them for him when it's a personal matter.
At a press conference yesterday (January 5), he said public servants are sent out to purchase rapid tests for himself and other Cabinet members.
Sucks to be the poor intern running around every Chemist Warehouse in Canberra trying to find a pile of RATs.

Mr Morrison explained how if or his family needs a test for something not related to being the Prime Minister then he'll send Jen out.
"That I will have to check with Jen, because she, she's the one that goes and gets them for to those situations,'' Morrison said.
"When they're being used for private use, then Jen popped around to the chemist or wherever she's gone.
"I think, recently she went to one here in Canberra, just like everyone else driving around looking to find one. But when they are provided by the Department and I'd be no different to any other Minister or anyone in those circumstances."

Morrison has already been caught out on a lie there because last month he told the media he personally went out to find some rapid tests in Terrigal.
"I'll give you an example, a real-life example. I was in this situation last week, I had been at an event where I was informed that I had met someone who had Covid,'' he said.
"I went, I got a Covid test from the local pharmacy. At Terrigal. Picked one up. Took the test. It was negative. I didn't need the government to tell me to do anything."
Well, that's all well and good for the PM, however people have been rushing all over Sydney to get their hands on RATs and they're coming up with nothing.
We've even reached the point where fast food shops are charging $50 for two tests.
News.com.au revealed that one of the Prime Minister's aides was actually the one who went into the Terrigal shop to buy the RAT kit.
Yesterday, it was announced low-income workers will receive 10 rapid tests every three months in response to the backflip over free tests.
Again, that entirely relies on people being able to find them.
Political editor Sam Maiden says the decision was the result of a push from Queensland, so his hand was forced on that one.
"The concessional free tests are being provided to the following groups: those who have a Commonwealth seniors health card, a healthcare card, a low-income card, a pension concession card, DVA Gold card or a DVA white card," he said.
"They will be able to get up to 10 tests over a course of three months, no more than five per month, and they should only be getting those tests if they are not symptomatic and they are not close contacts.
"If you are symptomatic or a close contact, you can go to the testing centre as many times as you need to. All of those tests are free."

Guys, you can just go to all those testing centres, which are definitely open, and line up for six hours to get a free test. Totally fine!
The government also announced they would be cracking down on price gouging and that it would be illegal to sell the tests for more than 20 per cent of what it cost retailers to purchase them.
Anyone found guilty of price gouging will face a $66,000 fine and up to five years in jail.
People will also only be able to purchase one box of either two or five tests at a time to stop people hoarding tests.
If like most of us you're thinking this sounds like too little too late because there isn't a single bloody test in your local area, software developer Matt Hayward has set up a website to help you try and source them.Featured Image Credit: Sipa US / Alamy Stock PhotoTopics: covid, News, Scott Morrison, Australia