A heated debate between Piers Morgan and a trans activist has ended on a sour note, with Jame ripping off her mic while calling the TalkTV host a 'c**t' live on air.
Jame, who appeared on camera wearing a wig and mask to protect her identity, was invited onto the TalkTV chat show to discuss trans activists blocking women's rights activists from speaking in front of a statue of Emmeline Pankhurst.
While the conversation started out politely, it soon went south with Jame swearing multiple times.
Morgan apologised to viewers and attempted to steer the debate back into calmer waters, but managed to stir the pot even more.
"This is a chance for you to present yourself and have a proper debate," The Piers Morgan, Uncensored host said.
"If you have got no interest in doing that, that is fine, but I am going to say to you I have always supported trans rights to fairness and equality."
Jame interrupted, telling the host: "That is bull***t bro."
Morgan made light of the use of bad language live on air and replied with: "You can say that, this is an uncensored show and you've just proved that."
As Morgan attempted to explain his thoughts on trans rights, the activist repeatedly spoke over the host, telling him to 'shut up'.
Morgan attempted to appeal to his guest, telling her he was trying to give her a chance, but she refused to play ball and announced she was leaving the interview.
As the activist started pulling her microphone off, she explained why she decided to come on the show.
"I kind of only came on here because I thought it would be kind of funny," Jame said.
"But I want to say I think you're a c***," she added before she was cut off.
A visibly stunned Morgan immediately issued an apology to viewers tuning in at home.
"I apologise again to all viewers who were listening to that," he said as the interview cut off for the final time.
The heated debate is the latest drama for the controversial host and his new channel, with viewers already leaving in droves.
Morgan's new talk show aired on the also new, Murdoch-run channel boasting 316,000 viewers on its launch day on April 25.
By May 4, the audience had dwindled significantly, with an average of just 62,000 viewers.
At the time, TV critic Scott Bryan summed it up pretty savagely on Twitter: "More people watched a repeat of World's Most Dangerous Roads on Yesterday than [Piers] on TalkTV."
While that is brutal, it's nothing compared to another show on TalkTV, which managed to attract zero viewers for half of their programme.
Topics: Piers Morgan, TV and Film, UK News