"Have you ever wondered how you got your Uber rating?" Uber asked its Australian users this morning.
"How many driver partners gave you five stars or even one star?"
Even if your answer to this is a resounding 'Hell, no!', the information is now available to view.
From today, all Uber users can now access a breakdown of their average rating in the Uber app's new Privacy Centre.
You can find your information in the app by going to the Settings menu and clicking 'Privacy Centre'.
Then, swipe to the right and click on the 'Would you like to see a summary of how you use Uber' tile.

From there, scroll down to the 'Browse your data' section and tap on 'View my ratings'.
Ratings remain anonymous though, so neither you, nor the drivers, will see individual specific ratings.
So you'll know how many one-star ratings you've had over time, but not who gave them to you.
Your overall rating is the average of your most recent 500 trips.
It's also been revealed that Uber users in the Northern Territory have the highest average rating, at 4.86.
Western Australia is the lowest on 4.79.
In between is New South Wales (4.84), Queensland (4.84), Tasmania (4.84), South Australia (4.83), Australian Capital Territory (4.82) and Victoria (4.80).
The overall Aussie average is 4.82.
This writer's score is 4.87 - but there's too much fear to look at the star-by-star breakdown.
Uber also offered some top tips today for how to improve your rating, noting that 'very few people have a perfect rating'.

The company's top tips aren't especially groundbreaking though: Be ready, leave it as you found it, treat everyone and everything with respect, don't slam the door, and be polite and courteous.
Uber said today's move was about transparency.
"The launch of the Privacy Centre, which is available to all users globally, highlights our mission of being a trusted steward of our users' personal data in every market where we operate," the company said.
"By offering more transparency and easier access to your data, we hope this gives you all you need to have a five-star experience on every ride."
Featured Image Credit: Uber