A Ukrainian family fleeing the Russian invasion are being booted from their new home in the UK after the landlords 'changed their mind' about refugee accommodation.
The family are currently living in Fareham, Hampshire, thanks to the UK government's Homes for Ukrainians scheme.
But the large family with five children were recently served a notice to leave the premises.
Their hosts had been warm, friendly, and had even picked them up from the airport when they fled Ukraine but have since cut them off without warning.
The family claims the landlord, who lives next door, then served them a notice of eviction.
Maxim Hyryk and his wife Olga told the Daily Mail that they were hurt and confused by their landlord's change of heart.
"They just stopped talking to us and we had the letter telling us we are being evicted," Maxim said.
"They also cut off the internet so that makes it difficult for us to email and communicate.”
Maxim added: "The landlord is being heartless."

The family have to be out of their newfound home by July 15, and are hoping to stay in Fareham after months of upheaval and confusion for the family after fleeing their war-torn nation.
"If we can’t stay in his house we really want to stay in Fareham. It is where we can start our lives again," Maxim said.
"There will be no going back to Ukraine."
Hampshire City Council are trying to find a home for the family of nine, but warned they may end up in hotel accommodation miles away from the schools their children had just started to settle in at.
Maxim told the Daily Mail that he has reached out to local rental agents but has been hamstrung by landlords asking the family to cough up a massive deposit to lock in a new home.
"I contacted five local estate agents and when I told them we were a family of nine from Ukraine they just said ‘no’ and put down the phone," Maxim said.

"Private landlords want six months' rent in advance before they will even consider us."
He added: "I just want to get some stability and normality for my family."
As they were forced to leave everything in Ukraine - including money and access to their savings - the family are now crowdfunding for a bond so they don't wind up homeless.
The crowdfunding page, set up by Olga, reads: "We would be extremely grateful for any help or donation to help us find a new home for our family."
Donate to the family's crowdfunding page here.
If you would like to donate to the Red Cross Emergency Appeal, which will help provide food, medicines and basic medical supplies, shelter and water to those in Ukraine, click here for more information.