This is the shocking moment when a musician practising his drums was attacked by an axe-wielding man at a park in California:
Andy Torres, 36, had set up his GoPro camera to film himself enjoying a solo jam session with his portable drum kit on Saturday (2 April) morning.
It was around 7am near a trail at Todd Longshore Park when he started getting into it, only for a man to come swinging at the kit with an axe.
Andy can be seen holding up his drumsticks in shock as the man goes to town on his instrument, smashing the axe down on the kit in a fit of rage.
Speaking about the shocking incident to CBS News, Andy said: "He just came up swinging already.
“He didn't announce himself or say get out of the way… He knew what he was going to do. I happened to just get out of the way."
The drummer went on to say that the unnamed attacker also threatened him with a gun, although that wasn’t caught on camera.

He added: "It took everything in me not to want to launch at the guy but I knew I couldn't do that."
When Andy warned the man that he was being filmed, his attitude changed and he decided to leave the scene.
But Andy managed to capture the man's car and licence plate as he drove away with his axe.
The incident has understandably impacted the musician’s mental health, telling the reporter: “I get stuck thinking about that and I have to pull myself out of it.
“I know I will move ahead because look, I’m still here.”
Prior to the attack, Andy said he came to the park at sunrise and sunset to practice, wearing the mask as part of his drumming persona.

Up until this point, he explained that no one had complained about the noise, and he was certainly not expected to be faced with such violence.
A report has since been filed about the incident, and the video was sent to the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department.
Despite the shock of what happened, the drummer said it hasn’t deterred him from his love for music.
As for his drum kit, it will live another day, with Andy saying he’ll find a way to fix it.
"It's not destroyed,” he said. “It’s not destroyed. They'll have to do better than that."