Man has had an extremely awkward encounter with a police officer after discovering his tyres were ‘as bald as a baby’s bottom’.
News.com.au reported that a Victorian police officer pulled over tyre retailer Declan Ryan and his partner while driving in their Ford.
The officer gave the man and his partner a ‘defect notice’ for ‘a couple of minor things’ as they were stopped by the Highway Patrol in Epping over the weekend.
However, Ryan wasn’t letting the cop off that easy as he decided to check the police officer’s roadworthiness too.
Upon further inspection, Ryan noticed the officer’s tyres seemed a little bald.
Ryan, the managing director at Agri Tyres Direct, uploaded the awkward moment to his social media.
In the clip, Ryan crouches under the back corner of the cop car before he tells the officer: “Right on the inner [tyre] – they’re bald, mate. It’s on the [thread] indicators, mate, and the inside is a bald as a baby’s bottom.”
Offft. But Ryan was not done yet.
He walked to the other side of the vehicle before noticing the other tyre had no thread left either.
“This one’s bald too, mate,” he says. “Before you hand out defects, maybe check your own car.”
The video has been viewed more than 50,000 times and left viewers shocked.
One person wrote: “Not good enough, if that police car was involved in a high-speed pursuit and lost control killing someone due to bald tyres it's vehicular manslaughter.”
Another said: “Bet they didn't fine the officer.”
While another commented: "Yeah, and the officer driving should be booked for not checking his car before he started his shift; I guess they don't have pre-start sheets to fill out.”
A spokesperson for Victoria Police told Drive: “Greensborough Highway Patrol pulled a vehicle over in Cooper Street, Epping on Saturday, 25 February.
"The driver, a 29-year-old Craigieburn woman, was issued with a defect notice for vehicle height not being compliant with minimum ground clearance, wheel and tyre modifications not being compliant with manufacturer's specifications, and the vehicle’s air filter not being secured.
"During the incident, the male passenger made several comments about the police vehicle.
"The tyres of that vehicle were inspected and have since been replaced.”
How satisfying.