A man from the USA has broken a very strange record by becoming the fastest man ever to push a peanut up a mountain using his nose.
You might think that record would also make him the only man to push a peanut up a mountain with his schnozz, but strangely you’d be wrong.
Fifty-three-year-old Bob Salem is actually the fourth person to attempt this leftfield feat of endurance, and it took him a whole day less than the previous record to complete his task.
Salem arrived at the top of Pikes Peak in Colorado on Friday morning, finishing his efforts after a full seven days.
However, the previous record was eight days, meaning he’s now the record holder; something he’s understandably pretty chuffed about.
If you look below, you can see the manner in which he decided to go about his business.

Explaining his technique, Salem said that he had to do much of the work at night in order to avoid the blistering heat and the many distractions on the mountain.
He said: "When I did it in the daylight, I'd have to stop every 10 minutes, five minutes, and take some pictures, talk to some people and do all that kind of stuff so it kind of dragged on the trip a little,"
Over the course of the week, he reckons that he got through about two dozen peanuts, simply because some of them would fall through cracks in the rocks and be unretrievable.
The idea had been that he’d have someone on hand beside him with a backpack and some supplies, but that didn’t happen in the end, and Salem embarked on a solo mission.
He’d hike a bit up the trail with his stuff, then dump it down and head back down, before making his way up shoving the peanut with his conk.
You’d think he’d be absolutely knackered, but apparently it’s not too bad.
"I don't feel sore or anything but I know I lost some weight, " he said. "My muscles are fine, it was just doing the back and forth that really took it out of me."
Along the way, he subsisted on a diet of peanuts – obviously – as well as crackers, pop tarts, and – get this – ‘an old can of survival food from 1964’ and ‘carbohydrate candies’ that he ate to keep going.
As he arrived at the top of the mountain, there was a representative of the city of Manitou Springs on hand to present him with a jewellery box for his final peanut.
Salem was also presented with two plaques commemorating his effort.
Well done, Bob.
Definitely one to tell the grandkids about.