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Topics: Drugs, News, Pablo Escobar, YouTube, World News
A man who went on a three-day trek looking for 'Pablo Escobar's abandoned drug plane' has shared what he found inside the wreckage.
Over on the Fearless & Far YouTube channel, Mike Corey and his team ventured deep into the jungle in Mexico on a three-day trek to find the aircraft.
And what they found could provide clues about what happened.
In 1966, a cargo plane carrying a large shipment crashed in the Yucatan Peninsula near the town of Celestun in Mexico.
The plane was only discovered 13 years later, meanwhile authorities still aren't aware of what actually happened to the aircraft, or the fate of its crew and passengers.
When it was discovered, the cargo that should have been in the plane was mysteriously missing.
Surrounded by mangroves, the plane is almost impossible to reach. In fact, the Peninsula is known for being super challenging, as well as being home to some pretty scary creatures, including poisonous snakes that reside in the shrubbery.
Although there are rumours that the plane belonged to Pablo Escobar - and was carrying drugs - this has never been confirmed.
Setting off to see what they could discover, Mike comes face to face with a snake just hours into the journey.
He says in the video: "We knew this adventure was going to be intense, but right now we're trying to hop over legs bare foot... we don't know what kind of snake that was.
"The s**t we do for adventure.
"It's spooky... it's all just a net of spikes and hooks."
Eventually, after three days of trekking through rough terrain, Mike and the team reach the aircraft, which is buried deep in the mangroves.
"That's it! We found it!" says Mike.
"It kind of feels like a mountain peak. So happy we made it."
After looking around the plane, Mike found that the pilot's seat, steering wheel and window were all still intact, meanwhile the top of the plane appeared to be littered with bullet holes.
While the inside of the aircraft was pretty much empty, the team found some barrels near the wing, which they believed could have been 'cocaine barrels'.
"Maybe they were shot down, maybe there was another problem," said Mike.
"I'm assuming what happened was they crashed, didn't die and they tried to make it back and died in the forest.
"Or, they got rescued in a helicopter, there's no cargo on this now, it mysteriously disappeared.
"The mystery is unsolved."
Esobar was 44 when he died in a gunfight with Colombian police and DEA agents back in 1993.