Martin Lewis has given Christmas shoppers a 1p rule that could potentially save you thousands when buying gifts, he claims.
If you pair the cost-of-living crisis with the ridiculously cold UK weather, it seems that Brits are possibly deciding between buying Christmas presents or keeping the heating on.
Well, as always, the Money Saving Expert tries his best to offer his expertise and has revealed how you can shop safe during this holiday season.
After sharing his 'top 10 consumer right know-hows' on the MSE website, the 50-year-old explains why it's important to 'pay at least 1p on a credit card' when shopping for more expensive items.

"Buy something costing £100.01 to £30,000 and pay for any of it, even a penny, on a credit card, and the card firm is jointly liable with the retailer for the WHOLE amount," he wrote.
"So if you can, put at least some of it on a credit card (paid off IN FULL to avoid interest).
"Then if the retailer goes bust, won't play fair with faulty items, or you buy abroad and can't take the item back, you can go to the card firm."
Lewis also makes a shocking claim that retailers don't have the legal requirement to refund or exchange a purchase, if you have changed your mind.
"If you buy something in store (not online), shops are under no legal obligation to take your goods back unless they're faulty," Martin wrote.
"So if you buy something in a hurry thinking you can always return it later, beware you may not have that choice."

However, when buying online, the MSE says you do have the legal right to change your mind.
"This is designed to protect people when buying things remotely. For most items, you've... up to 14 days to notify them of a return... then up to 14 days after that to send it back," he adds.
"If their websites say you must be quicker, they're wrong.
"There are exceptions here, the main two being no returns of personalised or perishable items."
At the same time, Lewis also warned of 'buying items from abroad'.
"In online returns, you get back the price you paid, plus the minimum delivery cost paid (ie, if it's free delivery but you paid £10 for express, you don't get the tenner back)," he continued.
"Yet you don't have an automatic right to get back the cost of returning items, and if they come from abroad, sending it back can be more than you paid in the first place, so beware where it comes from before you buy, especially on the likes of Amazon and eBay, where it's less easy to see."