We've all been through a McDonald's drive-thru wanting a bit of a sugar rush to be told 'sorry, the ice cream machine isn't working'.
Well, we may never have to face this problem again thanks to a new map introduced by the fast-food giant.
The regularity of the ice cream machine being out of order at McDonald's has frustrated customers for many years.
There is nothing worse than asking for a McFlurry and ending up with a Fanta or a Coke, even wanting that sugar rush after a Big Mac to then be told you'll have to settle with an orange juice.
This problem will be no more, as a McDonald's lover has launched an online map that will tell fast food fans if ice creams, or milkshakes are available in the restaurant before even having to leave the house.

It is appropriately called Mc-Broken and is a great way for customers to know what local restaurant to go to for their ice cream fix.
The website says that it checks each restaurant at least twice a day so it can update the website regularly.
It will even break it down into how many of the milkshakes and ice creams on the menu are available in each individual store.
A message on Mc-Broken reads: "Welcome to Mc-Broken, where we check the status of McDonald's ice cream machines around the United Kingdom.
"We are only able to check the ice cream machines at restaurants that offer online ordering via the My McDonald's app at this time, so you may come across some restaurants without a status.
"We are currently checking the following 10 ice cream & milkshake products at each restaurant at least twice a day (more so in the summer months)."
To view the full list of McDonald's that have a working ice cream machine in your area, you can head to the Mc-Broken website.

In other McDonald's news, the takeaway giant confirmed there are currently no plans to introduce the adult Happy Meals in the UK.
The new meals were introduced in the US on 3 October for a limited time.
Tariq Hassan, McDonald’s USA Chief Marketing and Customer Experience Officer said: “We're taking one of the most nostalgic McDonald's experiences and literally repackaging it in a new way that's hyper-relevant for our adult fans."
UK fans, however, were dismayed to be missing out on the action.
One person wrote: "I imagine there must be a distinct lack of happy adults in the UK."
Another said: "Absolutely devastating. I won't sleep at night knowing I won't get an adult happy meal."
Topics: McDonalds, Food And Drink