A Met Office spokesperson has explained why the hot weather feels pretty unbearable in the UK.
If you think the heat hits differently abroad, you're not wrong, it turns out there's actually a reason why 30°C feels gross in Britain.
The weather experts' explanation came as the nation gears up for what looks set to be a record-breaking weekend of hot weather.

I ever there was a time to quote The Inbetweeners – "It's well hot. It might be too hot. Might be," – it's right now.
Because, well... it's unbearable. Excessive heat in the UK is like those people that dunk Oreos in guacamole – it's not illegal but feels like it should be.
So, naturally, people took to Twitter to complain about the climate, wondering why UK heat really is awful.
One absolute poet wrote: "UK heat feels like the back of a school computer," which is the most accurate description we've heard all day.
While another said: "americans stop saying it’s not hot in the uk right now!!! uk heat is different to any other heat i mean that so seriously. 30°c here is UNBEARABLE. [sic]"
Another put all the whinging into perspective: "to put the uk heat into perspective for non-uk folk. it’s so hot here (and we’re so not used to it) that a train track just caught fire. [sic]"
So, why is the heat in the UK so unbearable? Well, turns out the Met Office actually has a pretty solid explanation.
Speaking to MyLondon, a spokesperson for the weather service said:
"The level of humidity can be higher in the UK than in continental Europe. If humidity is high, it is harder for the human body to keep cool as your sweat doesn't evaporate as quickly.
"This is made worse given that we are experiencing more 'tropical nights' - nights where the temperature doesn't go below 20ºC, meaning we get no respite from the heat and time for our body to recover. Buildings in the UK are also designed to keep heat in, compared to hotter countries. And we are less likely to have air-conditioning."
The expert went on to say that the idea that UK heat was different from other regions might be partly psychological because you amp yourself up to expect heat on holiday.
Whereas in the UK you amp yourself up to get caught in the rain waiting for a train.
But there you have it, the heat might really be way more sweaty here than in other places, and it's only set to get hotter.