We all know that speeding is a big no-go on the roads and motorways... but what about when it comes to someone who's driving a little bit too slowly?
Every driver (I hope) can put their hands up and admit to slightly decreasing the speed limit when driving to avoid putting others in danger, or receiving a hefty fine.
However, how many of us consider a minimum speed limit when driving?
It's usually down to the common sense and courtesy of the driver to determine a safe minimum speed to cruise at.
However, minimum speed limit areas can be found in locations that emergency services might struggle to gain access through, such as tunnels.

Nevertheless, it appears you can actually drive too slow.
Nervous drivers on the motorway may tend to drive slower due to the volume of traffic and high speeds.
According to Driving Test Tips, anywhere between 50 mph and 70 mph is acceptable, but any slower could mean you become a danger to yourself and those around you, as your chances of being involved in an accident rises.
You could even be fined for driving too slow, as you are viewed as a hazard by other drivers.
Slow drivers can be whacked with penalty points on their license in more serious cases, although you are more likely to receive a verbal warning from a police officer.
In order to ensure you don’t fall into this trap, consider weather, road and traffic conditions as you drive, but aim to meet whatever the speed limit is on that particular road.

Reports suggest slow speed cameras could be introduced in order to crackdown on slow drivers.
However, speed cameras often ironically create hazards for drivers who, upon observing a speed camera, reach for the brakes abruptly, and therefore cause danger for vehicles behind.
Last month, it was reported that a driving examiner failed a learner's driving test for having tiny pencil rubber filings on the carpet underneath the passenger seat of the instructor's car.
The 17-year-old, who prefers to be unnamed, was waiting months for her test and hasn't got behind the wheel since the alleged incident at the Blackpool Test Centre.
After the examiner refused to get in the car, the instructor apparently asked for a second opinion, which was refused.
Paul is the teen's father from St Michaels on Wyre, Lancashire, and he said: "It was the instructor's car and it was spotless apart from a few tiny bits of rubber from when the instructor had rubbed something out of his diary.