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Driver Told He Has 'No Right' To Park On His Own Street

Driver Told He Has 'No Right' To Park On His Own Street

He was left a furious note demanding the vehicle be moved

Claire Reid

Claire Reid

A bloke who parked his car a few feet away from his home was left an angry note by a neighbour who told him he had ‘absolutely no right’ to park where he was. 

The driver, who lives in Scotland, said he parked his car about ‘six houses down’ from where he lives, but in doing so managed to really p**s off another resident who accused him of ‘abandoning’ his car and causing an ‘obstruction’. 

The angry letter demanded the man move his car - and even included a date by which they wanted it gone. 

Stock image.

The note read: “This vehicle has been abandoned in a through road.

“The vehicle is causing an obstruction and is parked on one or more of the following inconsiderate or illegal ways - on a pavement, too close to a junction or too close to a driveway - and has been photographed as evidence.

“The residents of [the street] have a right to ease of access and egress to their own driveways.

“If you do not live at this part of [the street] you have absolutely no right to leave your vehicle parked here.

“Kindly remove your vehicle by close of play on January 4, 2022.

“Or its presence shall be reported to the relevant authorities and its uplift and impounding requested.”

The note then ended with a handwritten message that read: “And don’t bring it back.”

The scolded driver shared the note on Facebook with the caption: "Vehicle police strike again. Parked about six houses down from my own for one night because I couldn’t get parked outside my own house.

"Some people need to get out more."

Now, whether you side with the note writer or the note recipient on this matter, legally the motorist didn’t do anything wrong. 


Citizens Advice Scotland say there are ‘no laws’ when it comes to parking your car outside someone else’s home, unless it’s a designated parking space. 

So, while it’s good manners not to park outside someone’s gaff and take the space they normally use, it’s not against any rules. 

A CAS spokesman told the Daily Star: “You don’t have an automatic right to park directly outside your home or to prevent others from doing so, unless parking in a street is prohibited, or a space is reserved by the local authority for a particular resident.

“For example, a blue badge holder may have a designated parking space.”

Featured Image Credit: Alamy (stock image)

Topics: UK News, Cars