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Prince Charles Has Recovered From Coronavirus

Prince Charles Has Recovered From Coronavirus

It comes almost a week after the heir to the British throne announced that he had tested positive for the deadly disease

Dominic Smithers

Dominic Smithers

Prince Charles has recovered from coronavirus and is out of self-isolation, it has been confirmed.

A spokesperson for him said: "Clarence House has confirmed today that, having consulted with his doctor, The Prince of Wales is now out of self-isolation."

It comes almost a week after the heir to the British throne announced that he had tested positive for the deadly disease.

In a statement released at the time, the 71-year-old was said to be following government guidelines and placing himself in isolation. His wife the Duchess of Cornwall, who tested negative for the disease also spent the week in isolation.

Clarence House also stated that it was impossible to know from whom he had contracted the virus as he had attended a number of royal engagements.

Prince Charles has made a full recovery from Covid-19.

Prince Charles, it was confirmed, had last seen the Queen, 93, on 12 March and that she was said to be in 'good health'.

At the time, the statement read: "In accordance with government and medical advice, the prince and the duchess are now self-isolating at home in Scotland.

"The tests were carried out by the NHS in Aberdeenshire, where they met the criteria required for testing.

"It is not possible to ascertain from whom the prince caught the virus owing to the high number of engagements he carried out in his public role during recent weeks."

Yesterday's tragic announcement that UK's first frontline worker, a surgeon called Amged El-Hawrani, had died after contracting Covid-19.

The 55-year-old NHS consultant was an ear, nose, and throat specialist surgeon working in University Hospitals of Derby and Burton (UHDB).

UK's first frontline worker, Amged El-Hawrani, died after contracting Covid-19.

He died last night in Leicester Royal Infirmary.

A spokesperson El-Hawrani's family said: "Amged was a loving and much-loved husband, son, father, brother, and friend.

"His greatest passions were his family and his profession, and he dedicated his life to both.

"He was the rock of our family, incredibly strong, compassionate, caring and giving. He always put everyone else before himself.

"We would like to thank all those involved in his care for their kindness and compassion during his illness. They worked tirelessly for their patient, as he would have done for his own.

"Losing Amged is devastating for our family. Life without him is impossible to imagine but together, we will do all we can to honour his memory and live how he would have wanted us to."

It's okay to not panic. LADbible and UNILAD's aim with our Coronavirus campaign, Cutting Through, is to provide our community with facts and stories from the people who are either qualified to comment or have experienced first-hand the situation we're facing. For more information from the World Health Organisation on Coronavirus, click here.

Featured Image Credit: PA

Topics: UK News, Interesting, Coronavirus, Science, UK News, Interesting, Health