If you’re sitting on a piece of old Apple tech, there’s a good chance that you might want to pin your ears back and listen, because it could potentially be worth a truck load of money if it’s the right sort of gadget.
Sure, new technology – the latest phone or TV, for example – is expensive, but it’s basically nothing on old technology.

Scarcity and retro value can bump up the value of products dramatically, with even seemingly obsolete products fetching thousands on the resale market.
So, if you’re holding onto an old Apple product such as a first-generation iPod or iPhone, you might be able to shift it – to the right buyer, obviously – for way more than it would have been bought now.
Remember, these things are worth even more if you’ve got the original packaging, as that just further legitimises it and adds to the authenticity.

For example, those first-gen iPhones – which are by no means as good as the ones of today – are listed on eBay for up to £9,900 ($13,000) in their original packaging, and the iPod classic – remember those? – are listed for up to £2,200 ($2,900).
With the iPod, it’s more than just the retro credentials that attract some people, as they can store vast amounts of music as well.
The value of the old iPods and iPhones pales into insignificance next to the price of old Apple computers, however.
The first Macintosh computer now sells for up to £2,300 ($3,100).
If you’ve got an Apple-1, they’re so rare one is listed on eBay for a staggering £1.1 million ($1.5m).
The likelihood is that you’re not sitting around on one of those though, unless you’re very unlucky or have one unwittingly stashed away in the attic, anyway.

So, while Apple can charge famously high prices for their tech, it’s worth remembering that they could one day be worth more than that, so you could potentially think of it as an investment.
If you have one of the old Apple products now, you might even think twice about selling just yet, anyway.
If they’re worth a shed-load of cash just now, how much could it be worth in 10 years?
Imagine that - Antiques Roadshow in 2035 weighing up the value of an iPod Classic outside a stately home in Staffordshire.
Stranger things have happened, right?
Topics: Apple, Technology, Money