Locals are sure they saw a ghostly figure in the final few moments before Pablo Escobar's mansion was destroyed decades after his death.
The notorious drug lord died in a gunfight with Colombian police and DEA agents back in 1993 and for years his iconic 'Monaco' mansion stood empty, becoming increasingly derelict with time.
The house itself was Escobar's personal fortress, an eight storey concrete mansion which had a dozen apartments, two swimming pools, a tennis court, a panic room, special vault and 34 parking spaces for the drug lord's collection of valuable cars and motorcycles.
For over two decades the Monaco stood derelict and abandoned until 2019 when the Colombian government decided to demolish it and replace it with a park commemorating Escobar's victims.
Renovating the building would have cost about $11 million (£8.9 million), whereas destroying it and building a park was by far the cheaper option at just $1.6 million (£1.3 million).

Escobar's mansion came down in February 2019, demolished by enough explosives to require a whopping 180 detonators.
The notorious drug lord is a controversial figure, and on that day four years ago a crowd of around 1,600 people gathered around the mansion to watch it come down.
Some cheered, others wept and a few claim they saw a ghostly apparition running around the derelict mansion in the final moments before it all came crashing down.
Footage of the demolition has some people convinced that they can see something moving about right before officials pressed the big button, or more likely the 180 little buttons, to bring the house down.
Some people watching the demolition said the supposed ghosts were 'probably Escobar and his bodyguard', while others claimed they were the spirits of 'victims murdered in that house'.
Another far more horrifying suggestion which someone mooted was that it was 'a real person stuck in there trying to escape'.

There were plenty of sceptics on this one, however, many viewers were convinced that the supposed ghost was nothing more than 'two smudges' on a bit of glass.
Others said that the camera was filming behind a window and this would-be ghost was 'just smudges' on the pane of glass which only appeared to move around because the camera filming through it was moving.
Someone else said they saw the 'movement of the camera coinciding with the smudges' and concluded that this ghost was 'probably bird droppings'.
There you go, it's either the ghost of Pablo Escobar, one of the most notorious criminals to ever exist in history, or a blob of bird turd on a window.
Topics: Pablo Escobar, Drugs, Crime, Weird, World News