A panicked Chinese army recruit narrowly escaped being blown up after dropping a hand grenade on the floor in a training exercise. Watch the crazy moment unfold below:
As shown in the clip above, the trainee let go of his hand grenade by accident and had just seconds to take cover and get out of danger.
The recruit looked shellshocked and if it wasn't for his superior dragging him to safety, he could have been in serious trouble.
Company commander Zuo Cheng grabbed the recruit and pulled him into a nearby bunker where they could safely take cover as the grenade exploded.

In the footage, the recruit is seen removing the pin from the hand grenade before swinging his arm behind his head to launch it.
However, he drops the grenade mid-throw and it lands on the ground near their feet, forcing the recruit’s superior to act quickly.

Cheng grabs the recruit by the arm and pulls him towards the nearby trench where they duck down and embrace.
The grenade then explodes and a big puff of grey smoke fills the air.
Both soldiers were uninjured in the incident.
The footage was shared on social media network Douyin, which is a different entity to TikTok but works in a similar way, by China Military Television Network.
The unnamed recruit was believed to be from the 74th Group Army of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Ground Force.

In an almost identical clip from 2020, a Chinese naval officer managed to save the life of a young trainee after he failed to throw a grenade far enough away during an exercise.
Similarly, the clip shows the officer grabbing the young naval soldier being chucked unceremoniously into a hole nearby just milliseconds before the grenade detonated.
The footage was then shared by the Chinese Naval Aviation University after the fact.

The whole scene unfolded while trainees at the Chinese Naval Aviation University were receiving training on how to throw a grenade, when it became abundantly clear that at least one of them needed a hell of a lot more practice.
Luckily for him, the officer who was standing close by was on the ball. He sprang into action and grabbed the young soldier as if running on complete instinct.

Then, as the fuse on the grenade ran down, he threw the man into a foxhole – where people can safely shelter while using live explosives – at the side of the training area.
The grenade exploded, but nobody was hurt.
Topics: World News, Viral