A video has revealed the severe consequences a couple faced after 'bum rushing' through boarding.
Travelling is stressful enough as it is. Getting to the airport without hitting any traffic, queueing for what seems like forever to check in - it's no wonder tensions grow high as you wait to board the plane.
However, buckle in and prepare yourself, because this is Eastenders worthy beef:
One thing's for certain, no one likes a queue jumper.
If you've already waited your turn patiently, it can certainly be a hard pill to swallow to see someone swan in front of you and blag their bum to a seat earlier than you - there's only so many times you can gaze at the floor longingly and switch your weight onto each foot.
However, this couple certainly found out the hard way to never push in front of a queue again.

The video - originally posted to TikTok but later shared to Reddit - shows a pair of flight attendants addressing a couple who have allegedly 'bum rushed through bag measuring and boarding pass scanning and ran onboard'.
As the couple refuse to get up and leave the plane - whether it be to have their boarding passes and bags checked or to be chucked off completely, who knows - passengers around them grow frustrated.
It doesn't take long for the passengers to unite and turn against the couple when the flight attendants announce that, because of the pair's refusal to leave, all of the passengers will now have to disembark.

Reddit users were similarly outraged by the couple's behaviour, flocking to the post in solidarity with the rest of the passengers.
One said: "I never understood why people refuse to get off the plane after being told to get off. Do they really think the flight crew is just going to say, 'Nevermind, they won’t get off so it looks like we will have to let them stay on the plane and take off with them.' Like they aren’t going anywhere no matter how long they fight to stay on, it’s so dumb."
"If they so tired how come they got so much energy to argue?" another said.
A third resolved: "They are in fact correct. They are not going anywhere… in a plane… for the rest of their life."

The couple try to justify their decision, but the rest of the plane are having absolutely none of it, laying into the couple and yelling at them continuously.
The video then states: "After we got off, the cops came onboard to escort them off. Then we had to rescan to get back on. Delayed two hours because of these [clown emojis].
"They are now on the No Fly list."
Topics: World News, Travel, Reddit, Social Media, Viral