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Furious mum shields 15-year-old son's eyes from 'explicit' sex scene during flight

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Furious mum shields 15-year-old son's eyes from 'explicit' sex scene during flight

The mother was appalled by the images she saw on a fellow passenger's screen

Everyone knows the excruciating embarrassment of being in the same room as your parents when a sex scene comes on the TV. You just want to crawl up and die.

But rather than just grinning and bearing it, one mother took matters into her own hands when a nude scene popped up on a fellow passenger's screen during a flight.

LaKeisha Fleming was with her 15-year-old sone when an 'explicit sex scene' appeared on one of the in-flight films another traveller, who was sitting in front of them, was watching.

Utterly appalled at what she had witnessed, Fleming decided to cover up the gap between the seats so that her son was shielded from the filth.

The mum was disgusted by the 'explicit' sex scene.
halil ibrahim kurucan/Alamy

Speaking to Insider about the horrific experience, she said: "I saw a nude sex scene in clear view. This scene was playing on the seat back, with the airline providing the entertainment.

"That shock turned to horror as I realised the scene was in clear view of my son sitting right next to me."

She went on: "I positioned myself to cover the opening between the seats, obscuring his view.

"Once the sex scene ended, I went to the flight attendants to ask for help. They offered to move our seats.

"Even then, they said, someone else could play that same content. In essence, there was nothing they could do."

Fleming explained that she even wrote to the airline to complain about the incident.

She claimed that explicit images such as the ones she saw on the in-flight movie could be harmful for young teenagers.

Fleming's story sparked a debate among parents, with some backing her actions and others feeling she went a bit OTT.

"I initially thought her kid was going to be like five but at 15, he's seen it," said one. "And there's also severe harm in overly sheltering your sons and treating sex like it's shameful or embarrassing.

The airline allegedly did nothing about the film.
Sergio Azenha/Alamy

"Covering his eyes and making a fuss was surely more damaging than someone in front of him watching. He's also old enough to mind his own business, something the mum should work on."

While another added: "I am sure her kid had seen plenty. Some parents live in denial."

Some thought her son would be embarrassed by his mum’s behaviour.

Others, however, felt she had a point.

"Sounds like she should press charges against the airline," suggested on person. "Surely there are laws that prohibit exposing minors to sexually explicit material and the airline is providing it!”

While another commented: “Make a complaint, they should show family friendly programming, surely there is young children on the plane."

Featured Image Credit: Jonny Abbas/Stockimo/Alamy

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