Viewers who watched King Charles III's accession ceremony think Prince William was much more polite when trying to sort out pen debacle. Have a look at the comparison below:
During the weekend's ceremony, which saw the new King sign the paperwork and be officially confirmed as the UK's next monarch, viewers picked up on some trouble with the pens.
Some were amused at Charles getting annoyed at there not being enough desk space, which saw him swiftly motion for one of his staff to come over and take some things off the table, including a tray of pens.
However, others thought it was pretty rude that he couldn't just move the pens himself, and contrasted the new King's behaviour with that of his son's, who had to ask for them to be put back once his turn to sign his name came.

TikTokker @jojo.duggalwears thought so, posting footage of the moment online with the caption: "Did anyone notice how King Charles behaved during the privy signing compared to Prince William's humility?"
Some agreed was rude of Charles to jostle things on the desk back and forth until someone came and took them away, reckoning William was more polite for appearing to politely ask the staff.
Many viewers chimed in to say 'manners cost nothing', while another said there were 'ways and means in which you speak to people'.
Another said they 'don't think King Charles would be easy to work for', as someone else said 'the Queen would never have behaved in that way'.

Plenty saw the funny side to the encounter though, especially as the new King walked off with the pen and left his son having to ask for the tray staff had just taken away to come back.
Some suggested it wasn't fair to judge one small action from a man who had just lost his mother, with some people suggesting he was probably 'a bit stressed'.
A few even pointed out his gesture was more playful than many interpreted it as, with some saying they could see 'humour in his eyes'.
Something else people picked up on was that Prince William appears to be left handed, with many lefties popping up to point out the difficulties involved.

Since writing left handed can smudge the ink, and since he's signing one of the most important things he's ever going to write in his life, the new Prince of Wales had to resort to some contortion, especially with the tiny desk he had to write on.
Several viewers said learning the future King was a lefty was the most interesting thing about the ceremony, while plenty more sympathised with the pain of having to be extra-careful when writing.
One joked they were 'now a royalist for life' after learning this new information, while another said left-handers 'all knew the struggle' of signing your name without leaving a massive smudge.
Topics: King Charles III, Prince William, Royal Family, UK News, News