As the infamous queue for the Queen continues, two strangers have had the perfect meet-cute. Watch them talk about hitting it off below:
Zoe and Jack were complete strangers when they joined the queue at 10.30pm, but within hours they'd made plans to see each other again.
They gathered with thousands of others to pay their respects to Britain's longest-reigning monarch.
We've all seen queue stories, from David Beckham waiting it out in the 'people's queue,' to the Archbishop of York helping people order pizza.
Now, get ready for what Twitter users have dubbed 'Queue Actually,' a play on the title of Richard Curtis' Christmas romcom Love Actually.

Zoe and Jack were grinning as they were interviewed about their chance meeting, which Zoe described as a 'blessing in disguise.'
The pair barely felt the 12-hour wait as they trekked on to Buckingham Palace, they spent the whole time chatting away.
"I thought I was going to be exhausted but it's just gone so quickly in the queue," Zoe said as the pair were 'sharing stories, having laughs and banter.'

"We've actually got loads of things in common," Jack added.
When asked by Channel 4 if they'd stay in touch, Zoe said: "Yeah, a hundred percent," with Jack adding that the pair had already made plans together.
"We're going to the funeral together on Monday," Jack explained, with Zoe explaining that she thought there would be 'mixed emotions' on the day.
She said: "It's something that is part of history so we want to be there and share that moment with someone else."
Jack was also unsure what to expect on the day, telling the reporter: "It's going to be sombre, really. Seeing the Queen go down through to Windsor - it's going to be weird to see really."
Still, the pair have each other to get them through, and between the 'crisps and chat' they seem set.
As you can imagine, people were quickly shipping the pair on Twitter, one wrote: "Love it. Hope it's the start of a beautiful relationship."
A second went so far as to say: "Get married life is short take the love."
Another wasn't quite convinced that was their vibe, saying: "They chose to stand in a queue for 16 hours - I’m not sure this is a ‘life is short' kinda crowd."
Still, a fourth joked: "Somewhere, Richard Curtis is furiously taking notes. 'Is the queue still moving? I hadn’t noticed.'"
To be fair, we'd watch it.
Topics: The Queen, Royal Family, News, UK News, Twitter