A restaurant owner has slammed a group of ‘arrogant’ customers who spoke ‘aggressively’ and ‘grabbed’ a young waitress – and has promised to give the £1,000 the table paid to the waitress.
Chef Lee Skeet, who owns Cora in Cardiff, says the member of staff was left upset after dealing with the customers, who spoke to her ‘like she was nothing’.
The 35-year-old was so enraged that he got in touch with the person who booked the table and told them he would refund the £1,000 bill – minus a £100 for a tip for the member of the staff – on the condition they never visited the restaurant again.
However he’s since changed his mind, and said he’ll hand over the £1,000 to the waitress.
Lee, from Cardiff, said: "We had a table of six come in last night. They turned up late and the second they walked in they were just not very nice – arrogant, rich.
"I'm grateful for every customer we get but they were just d**ks to be honest, from the second they got there.
"It's only me and [the waitress] that work at the restaurant and we're very close. She's really just like a daughter figure to me – so I'm very protective and could tell something was the matter.
"When [she] came to me after the shift, she was a bit more upset and told me what they were like and that one of them grabbed her by the arm a bit aggressively.
"It really upset me to be honest – I've got a daughter."
Lee claims the diners turned up late and went on to say a bottle of wine was ‘off’ despite knocking back others from the same box.
Lee sent the email on Wednesday night but says he is yet to receive a response.
He said: "She mentioned a couple of things to me throughout the night, about how they were not being respectful and were talking down to her, and that often happens.
"They were just disrespecting her and behaving like they were better than her.
"They turned up late, talked to [her] like she was nothing.
"Before their first course, the six of them had had seven bottles of wine already, so they were belligerent.
"They'd had six bottles of wine from the same case and they said the sixth one was off. They were just trying to look for fault and I said 'no, you're paying for it anyway'.
"When they left they spoke to me and I thought they were d**ks as well. I don't really have time for people like that and they were just arrogant the whole time.
"When they left, they weren't rude to me but I just didn't like them.
"I've not had a response to my email.
"I've changed my mind about refunding them. Whatever they spent I'm going to give to [the waitress], I'll give her £1,000."