When submarines were first invented, thoughts of 'But, how do you get out?' sprung to many people's minds.
Now, the exact method of what to do if you are ever stuck in the tricky situation in the depths of the deep sea has been revealed, and it's safe to say I won't be getting on a submarine any time soon.
Although drowning may seem likely, a few dozen lucky people have survived what is probably the worst event of their life, and have now told us how to get out in the future.
In the modern day, Wired.com reports that submariners are equipped with full-body waterproof suits called SEIE suits - pronounced 'sigh' - if an emergency ever occurs.
These brightly coloured fabric pods allow them to break free from a downed vessel, with each sailor waiting inside with a partner with clear plastic panels acting as viewports.

When the hatches of the locks are opened by someone else, the buoyancy of the inflated suits sends them zooming up to the shore.
Yeah, no thanks.
The submariners then pop up and the suit unravels as a flotation raft, as long as they are not blocked from getting to a hatch from the wreckage.
These suits prevent death from rising levels of CO2, but early escape routes from submarines were not always this simple.
In 1851, German submarine inventor Wilhelm Bauer and his crew were trapped inside their submarine for hours, sitting and waiting for rescue.
When Bauer reached up to a valve to twist it open, water poured in and flooded the submarine.

The increase in the partial pressure of the carbon dioxide was difficult to tolerate, causing the men to gag and choke, but the submarine then flooded quickly and the pressure was equalized.
The trio got blown out through the hatch door and rocketed safely to the surface like they were the 'corks of champagne bottles', Bauer said.
Well, that's one way to put it.
Bauer, Witt, and Thomsen were the first three submariners ever to successfully escape a submarine.
Luckily, if you do happen to find yourself in a submarine, nowadays they can withstand pressures well above the environment around you in the deep sea - so that's good to know at least.
Still, I think I'll be sitting this one out.
Topics: Science, Technology, World News