Topics: James Webb Space Telescope, Science, NASA, Space
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Topics: James Webb Space Telescope, Science, NASA, Space
People have been confused after looking at a picture of one of the moons in our solar system and thinking that it's actually the Earth.
Back in the closing days of 2022, NASA's James Webb Space Telescope took a rather blurry photo of a far off moon.
This has been swirling around the internet ever since and recently it made its way onto X, which was Twitter back when the picture was first taken.
Only, loads of people reckoned that this blurry picture was actually no moon, it was in fact Earth all along.
People were begging NASA to 'remove the blur so we can see another Earth', and lots of others joked around with the idea that there might be a whole other Earth out there in space.
Now of course that is absolute baloney, and I'm not saying that because there actually is another Earth but it's kept secret from you by a vast conspiracy.
Definitely don't think about the vast conspiracy which absolutely doesn't exist.
No, this is Titan, the largest moon of Saturn which is very far away from us and while it isn't another Earth, NASA did explain that it has some remarkable features which only it and our planet share in this solar system we call home.
NASA said: "Titan is unique in the solar system. It is the only planetary body other than Earth that has rivers, lakes, and seas.
"Rather than water, they are made up of 'hydrocarbons', molecules like ethane and methane.
"The two clouds seen by Webb validate long-held predictions that clouds form in the northern hemisphere during Titan's late summer, when the Sun warms its surface. Follow-up observations by the Keck Observatory also revealed clouds, confirming seasonal weather patterns."
The infrared vision of the James Webb Space Telescope has made it possible to get the best possible look at Titan, even if that best look is incredibly blurry.
Obviously the internet wasn't going to listen to all that sense, especially since Titan is also the name of Marvel villain Thanos' planet, so people joked that 'bro just doxxed Thanos' and that 'there's definitely people on this'.
As far as we know, Earth is the only significantly inhabited planetary body in the solar system and if we ever get proved wrong on that front the human race is going to have to figure out how to explain all those alien invasion movies.
Besides, you wouldn't want to live on Titan. It may have seas and lakes but they contain liquid methane instead of water.
Meanwhile, the James Webb Space Telescope continues to be hard at work in deepening our understanding of space and the universe.
Who knows what it'll spot next?