Scientists have discovered that humans exhibit an invisible aura that cleans the air around the body using purifying molecules.
And no this isn’t to be confused with some sort of spiritual ambience, instead, it's a self-developed oxidation field.
The study, published in the journal Science, reveals that the human bodies produce a haze of molecules that form when ozone in the air come in contact with the oil in our skin, according to The Telegraph UK.
The molecules called OH radicals have been analysed before when they have been made by sunlight, and are known to neutralise toxic molecules.

However, this is the first time that scientists have found OH radicals made by humans themselves.
In saying that, this doesn’t necessarily mean the oxidation field is good for us.
Jonathan Williams, who is the lead author of the study from Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, claims compounds could become more harmful in the aura.
He told The Telegraph: “[The field] may be cleaning the air before I breathe in, but we don't know.”
Adding: “The other possibility, which is more concerning, is perhaps a compound which is considered to be harmless could become more toxic than its precursor when it's oxidised in the OH field. Now we've discovered this, more research has to be done.”
The study was conducted by putting four people in a sterile room with oxygen masks on and then measuring the level of OH radicals in the air.
They then added ozone to the air within the room which resulted in a significant surge in the chemical levels.
The team visualised the oxidation fields around each subject using the data they obtained.
The source of the molecules was found to be a compound called squalene which is known to keep skin supple.
The chemical outline was set to be similar to the glow of green-coloured radiation around a container of nuclear waste that is often seen in a cartoon.
Mr Burns was ahead of his time.
However, Professor Williams maintained that with a tonne of chemistry going on between a human’s emissions, the air, and even the compounds coming from a ‘sofa’ we sit on, there needs to be further research done.
He added: “There's an immediate health implication [to this research]. We need to study them rather than just measuring what a sofa emits.
“We need to measure what a sofa and a person make together as the interaction of the emissions with our field is more important."
Topics: Science, Technology