UFC boss Dana White was once given '10 years to live' which spurred him into undergoing an incredible body transformation.
As you might expect from the guy who runs UFC, Dana White is a pretty ripped mass of muscle.
However, he wasn't always this way and it took a pretty serious bit of news to snap him into focus.
If you've got the time and facilities then you too can hit the gym like a tonne of bricks.
He might be busy as the CEO of UFC but he's certainly found the time to fit his workouts into his daily life.
It probably helps if you get the shock of your life, and White's came at the hands of influencer and biohacker Gary Brecka, who ran tests on the UFC boss and arrived at a worrying conclusion when trying to work out when White would die.
It turns out the answer 'in 10.4 years' is not the one White wanted to hear when he was asked how he'd turn out if he kept up his current lifestyle.
You don't want your birthdays to become the milestones on a clock ticking down to your doom, and since White turns 55 on Sunday (28 July) he'll definitely be glad that he changed his ways.

Brecka is a human biologist and an expert in mortality, and he ran some tests on White to attempt to find out when he could expect to die.
On the Action Junkies podcast, White said that he had his blood and DNA tested by Brecka, who then ran the numbers and came back.
Brecka’s company, 10X Health Systems, reportedly told him that he had just over 10 years to live if he didn’t change his ways. 10.4 years, to be precise.
White explained: “I connect with this guy, and they come in and they do my blood work and they scrape the insides of your cheeks to do your DNA,
“So, he calls me [and says] I'm going to come out personally and walk you through your blood work. He ends up coming out, he sits down for three and a half hours and goes through my blood work.
“I'm all f***ked up. Everything that can be bad can be possibly bad. He gave me 10.4 years to live'," White said.
“This was 16 weeks ago and he said to me ‘If you don't change these things, this is your life expectancy.’
“He told me everything that was wrong with me, s**t I hadn't even told my wife.
“And he says, ‘If you do everything I tell you to do for the next 10 weeks it will change your life.’
“I did everything he said to the letter, and I lost 30lbs.”

White shared some pictures on social media, and to be honest, he looked quite a bit like he could get into the Octagon and cause someone a decent amount of trouble.
As well as a picture of his current shape, he also shared another picture from a few years ago, detailing his impressive weight loss, as well as muscle growth.
White wrote: “Left is March 17th 2017. Right is September 18th, 2023. F***IN NUTS!!!”
By following the incredibly intense fitness regime, as well as implementing the lifestyle changes Brecka wanted, it seems like things have turned around to the better for White.