Whatever the result tonight pub landlords across England will be feeling pretty good about the Euro 2024 final.
Since the first time someone decided to mount a television in a pub and stick the sport on it's been a lucrative trade for the nation's fine establishments.
When England do well things get even better, as there's more occasions to celebrate and plenty of joy to go around.
It's good news then that England men's team have reached the Euro 2024 final, where they'll face off against Spain.
Plenty of venues across England are already packed out with fans in a mood to party, while thousands of them have also made the journey to Berlin to soak up the atmosphere of the final.

While not every fan can make it over to Germany the streets of plenty of English cities are full of supporters ready to cheer on Gareth Southgate's team.
The pub landlords will be rubbing their hands together with glee, as there are plenty of whistles that need wetting and pints are the preferred way to do that.
Pubs in England and Wales have already been told they can bend the rules tonight (14 July) and keep their doors open until 1am on Monday morning, and let's not hold it against the Welsh if they would like to take the extra time to support Spain.
Normal rules say the doors are meant to close at 11pm but they can change in times of 'exceptional national significance' and the England men's team reaching the Euro 2024 final definitely qualifies.
Three Lions fans are expected to quaff a stupendous amount of beer over the next few hours, with the nation's pubs predicting they'll be pouring about 10 million pints more than they normally would.

British Beer and Pub Association chief executive Emma McClarkin said: “On what promises to be a hugely exciting day for the country we expect an incredible 10 million extra pints to be poured in our pubs this Sunday to toast England’s Euros final.
“A huge £48 million in additional trade for pubs and breweries will be generated by fans across the nation.”
This is the first time the men's team have reached a final on foreign soil, while the last time they did on home turf back in 2021 was met with an expectation that a whopping 13 million pints more would be pulled.
Millions more pints being served at pubs will help make up for any major goalscoring moments where people decide to launch their drinks into the air in celebration.
UK Hospitality Chief Executive Kate Nicholls added: “The Euros have provided a huge boost for hospitality businesses this summer, as fans pack pubs, bars and fan zones to come together and cheer on the home nations.
"The extended licensing hours for the final will allow venues and fans to take advantage of the occasion, and hopefully celebrate an historic England win.”
Topics: Euro 2024, Football, Pubs, Sport, UK News, Alcohol, Food And Drink