Drivers who are struggling with mounting bills may be able to get their MOT free thanks to a new scheme to help those in need.
A new partnership between Halfords Autocentres and charity Family Action will be offering 1,000 MOTs completely free to families who are struggling amid the cost of living crisis.
It is also offering 10,000 members of staff free MOTs and giving everyone else £10 off if they register with Halford’s Motoring Club.
The free MOTs will be given to families that are supported by Family Action and will be selected by the charity.
The scheme was announced after new research from Halfords revealed that four out of 10 motorists admitted they can’t afford their next MOT, but half said they’d still drive anyway.

More than half of those asked (51 percent) said that despite being in full-time employment they are not able to make ends meet and are in 'working poverty'.
Eighty-one percent said they were worried about at least one motor-related cost in the next 12-months, such as fuel, repairs or insurance.
David Holmes, chief executive of Family Action, said: “We are delighted to be working with Halfords and we are extremely grateful for the donation of 1,000 free MOTs to share with the families we support.
"As the survey reveals, it is essential for many families to have access to a safe and roadworthy car for work, and for their day-to-day activities.
“It will ensure that they have peace of mind that their car is safe and roadworthy, and it will be one less thing for them to worry about.”

Many of those surveyed said they relied on their car, with an overwhelming nine out of 10 saying not being able to drive would be detrimental to their job and 41 percent saying it would make working ‘impossible’ altogether.
Chris Lunn, head of category at Halfords Autocentres, said: "MOTs are a vital and legally-required check-up on any vehicle over three years old, to ensure it is roadworthy.
"Those who are struggling to make ends meet are most likely to not be able to afford their MOT - but for this group, it could lead to a dangerous cycle of poverty.
"Not having an MOT puts them at risk of losing their car, and therefore their job, making their financial situation far worse.
"That’s why we’re trying to help by offering free MOTs to families who rely on their car but are struggling financially and discounted MOTs for all Brits to help keep motoring affordable.”