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Surfer praised for carrying stranded shark back to sea with his bare hands

Surfer praised for carrying stranded shark back to sea with his bare hands

He's been branded a 'hero' for saving the shark

A surfer has been praised for picking up a beached shark and carrying it safely back to water.

Paul Myles was out on Eastern View on Victoria’s Great Ocean Road in Australia when he spotted the shark stranded at the shore. You can see him in action here:

Paul initially attempted to push it back to the water using his surfboard but when that didn’t work, he simply scooped up the shark with his bare hands and carried it to the water. What a guy.

In the clip, Paul can be seen gently lifting the flailing shark up from the shore and gently walking it back to the ocean.

Speaking to ABC, he said: “I just thought I’d give it a chance, I wasn’t sure if it was just disorientated or sick or whatever.

“I thought I’d get it out in the water a bit further out, see if it would swim out to sea but it didn’t seem too well.”

Paul Myles scooped up the shark and returned it to the water.

Paul, who confessed to being a ‘bit of a softie’ joked that he’s hopeful the rescue mission will put him in good stead with the shark community.

“I think it might earn some brownie points next time a shark comes past me,” he said.

Footage showing him carrying the shark was shared online, where he’s been praised for his quick-thinking and kind actions.

One person wrote: “What a hero! Thank you for showing kindness.”

Another said: “Brownie points with Mother Ocean, safe waves my friend.

While a third wrote: Wow what a great human being.”

Paul also told the outlet he thought it was a blue shark and that across his 40 years of surfing at the beach, it was pretty rare to see one.

He added: “I’ve never seen one that close to the beach, that’s the important thing. I once saw one off the rocks about 20 years ago but that’s enough I think.”

According to the British Sea Fishing website, blue shark attacks on humans are very rare - but they have happened.

He joked that he's hoping for 'brownie points' with sharks.

The site says there have been just four confirmed fatal attacks on human by blue sharks, and around 25 confirmed non-fatal attacks.

Earlier this year, a woman snorkelling off the coast of Cornwall was bitten by a blue shark.

HM Coastguard took her to Penzance Harbour and paramedics were called.

A spokesperson said: “HM Coastguard sent Penzance Coastguard Rescue Team to meet a snorkeler who suffered a suspected shark bite.

“The coastguard was notified just before 12.30pm on Thursday [July 28]. It is believed the swimmer suffered a leg injury. The coastguard team met the casualty at Penzance harbour to assist with passing them into the care of the ambulance service.”

Featured Image Credit: ABC

Topics: Australia, Animals