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Full list of iPhones Apple has now declared obsolete as yours might be on the ‘death list’

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Full list of iPhones Apple has now declared obsolete as yours might be on the ‘death list’

Once an iPhone becomes obsolete, it's pretty much doomed

Let’s be honest, once you’ve chosen a make of phone, you tend to stick loyal to it. The thought of changing over seems mad.

And then once you have got your trusty device, you might hold on to it for a couple of years.

Maybe you’re still using the Android your mum gave you five years ago after your old one broke. Or perhaps you’re holding on to your ancient iPhone because you can’t be bothered splashing out on a newer model.

But if you’ve been holding on for too long, there’s a chance your phone could be on Apple’s ‘death list’.

The tech company recently declared one of its popular iPhones as ‘obsolete’ and it joins a whole list of others.

Your iPhone could be obsolete. (Getty stock image)
Your iPhone could be obsolete. (Getty stock image)

Basically, if your phone gets given this title it means that if it does end up breaking, it will likely stay broken.

Once an Apple product reaches its tenth birthday, the company can no longer order repair parts for it – making it totally obsolete.

Recently added to the list is the iconic iPhone 5S which was released back in 2013.

The full list of ‘iPhone products obsolete worldwide’ is as follows:

· iPhone

· iPhone 3G (China mainland) 8GB

· iPhone 3G 8GB, 16GB

· iPhone 3GS (China mainland) 16GB, 32GB

· iPhone 3GS (8GB)

· iPhone 3GS 16GB, 32GB

· iPhone 4 CDMA

· iPhone 4 CDMA (8GB)

· iPhone 4 16GB, 32GB

· iPhone 4 GSM (8GB), Black

· iPhone 4S

· iPhone 4S (8GB)

· iPhone 5C

· iPhone 5S

· iPhone 6 Plus

An obsolete device is basically doomed. (Artur Debat/Contributor/Getty Images)
An obsolete device is basically doomed. (Artur Debat/Contributor/Getty Images)

So, if you’re still holding on to one of those iPhones, you’re pretty much f**ked if it breaks because Apple won’t be able to help you out.

The customer service site explains: “Apple discontinues all hardware service for obsolete products, and service providers cannot order parts for obsolete products.”

According to the tech company, its products are considered to be obsolete if it sopped distributing them for sale more than seven years ago.

Most iPhones typically receive between six and eight years of software support, and they usually end up becoming the dreaded ‘obsolete’ long after they stop receiving updates.

And it’s not just iPhones on these lists either with MacBooks, iMacs, iPads, iPods and Apple Watches also running their course.

So, if you’re reading that list and realising your iPhone is an absolute certified banger, it might be time to finally think about an upgrade.

Featured Image Credit: Getty stock image/Jakub Porzycki/NurPhoto via Getty Images

Topics: Apple, Technology, iPhone, Phones

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