Just when we thought we knew all the Apple tricks and tips, another iPhone hack comes along that we had no idea about.
It truly makes us wonder just how many Apple hacks exist and whether there are more just waiting to be unveiled.
Well, it helps to have them all in one place - so we've put together a handy list of some of the best hacks that have left people truly stunned.

For example, just recently we told you how people have been left mind-blown after learning what you can actually do with that line at the bottom of your screen.
After years of owning iPhones, users have only just realised that you can switch between apps via the handy line.
If you swipe left, or right, directly on the line, you can move between apps - as opposed to swiping upwards to see which apps are open.
Go on, try it for yourself.
And that's not all. Did you know about these iPhone hacks?
The button which immediately deletes screenshots
If you've got thousands of screenshots in your camera roll, then this one's for you.
Take a regular screenshot on your iPhone and click on the thumbnail that pops up, like you were going to send it to someone.
Instead of clicking the share button, click 'Done' to bring up a menu and select 'Copy and Delete'.
This copies the screenshot for you to paste into a chat or group, and the image won't be saved to your camera roll.
But if you do need it, then you can easily find it in the Recently Deleted folder for up to 30 days after, before it disappears forever.
And just like that, you may save a gigabyte or two over the next few years with this trick.

iPhone users say the trick is eye-opening, with one writing under the Reddit post: "How did I never notice this before? Brilliant. Thank you."
Another wrote on X: "My favourite feature on the iPhone is the 'delete screenshot' option after you send it to someone. My camera roll used to fill up so fast with stupid a** screenshots."
The iPhone's back tap button
Another trick is that you can use the iPhone's Back Tap feature to take screenshots by tapping either twice or three times on its rear.
All you need to do is go to Settings, click Accessibility, Touch, Back Tap and selected either Double Tap or Triple Tap.
Here, you can set one of these to take a screenshot, and it is a much faster and easier way to carry out the task, requiring just one hand.
Changing a screenshot's opacity
The final trick is to do with editing a screenshot, if you click the thumbnail after snapping what you need, clicking the (+) in the bottom right corner will allow you to tap Opacity, which will add a filter to the screen, turning it grey, with you choosing the level.
This is probably most useful for making annotations that you don't want to be coloured out by the rest of the things on the screen.

Unlimited battery
Most of us have complained about our phone's battery life every now and again.
But let's face it, spending so much time on our device is bound to drain its juice.
However, if you take a peek at your settings, you’ll be able to enjoy a long-lasting battery life once again.
TikTok user, @T_Sply, told viewers that they could expect 'unlimited cell phone battery' simply by dimming their screen.
First, you need to go to your iPhone's Settings, then you’ll click from Accessibility to Display & Text Size and click on the Reduce White Point option to activate the hack.
If you really want to make your battery last, you can push the slider to as far as it can do, completely dimming your screen.
Layering emojis
Did you know you can layer emojis on iMessage?
New York content creator @thatsannette, shared a video explaining how you can try it yourself.
All you need to do is head onto iMessage and send your first emoji - this is the base emoji. Then, head back to your emoji library and choose which one you want to stack on top.
Select and drag it onto the message and add it on top of the base emoji. You can then repeat this as many times as you like with other emojis.
You can also use your fingers to make the emojis bigger or smaller.
Pretty cool, huh?
Topics: Technology, Apple, iPhone