iPhone owners are flocking to social media in praise of a 'game-changing' feature in the latest iOS 17 update.
With the launch of the iPhone 15 this week - it's officially coming out tomorrow (Friday, 22 September) - some may be staring mournfully at their cracked earlier models wishing they had the money to make the upgrade.
But fear not for all is not lost - while we can't give you a freebie, we can share the news of an exciting new feature released in Apple's latest major software update iOS 17.
The official description for the update on Apple's website reads: "iOS 17 brings new features to enhance the things you do every day. Express yourself like never before when you call or message someone.
"Share content in convenient new ways. And do even more with new experiences for your iPhone."
And it's the new feature connected to calls which iPhone users are particularly thrilled by.

When your phone updates to iOS 17 - it officially came out on 18 September - you'll be able to get live transcriptions of your voicemail messages.
Apple's website explains: "With Live Voicemail in iOS 17, you can view a real-time transcription of the message someone is leaving you as they speak, giving you immediate context for the call.
"If you want to address it, you can pick up the call while they're still on the line."

All you have to do is head into your phone's settings, tap 'Live Voicemail' and turn it on or off.
"When Live Voicemail is on, your phone picks up incoming calls to capture the caller's voicemail for you to see in real-time. Standard calling rates may apply. The caller can't hear you and you can't hear them unless you answer the call," Apple adds.
To find the transcription, you just head to the same Voicemail tab in the Phone app.
And there's no rush to have a look at the transcriptions either with them 'available to view as long as you keep the voicemail in your inbox'.
"We know that voicemails can contain precious moments. Your voicemails are never deleted on your behalf, so you can keep them for as long as you'd like," Apple reassures.

iPhone owners have been flooding to X - formerly known as Twitter - in appreciation of the new feature.
One said: "Big shoutout to @Apple for rolling out the impressive Live Voicemail feature in iOS 17 for iPhone! Not only does it make communication fun, but it's also a game-changer in helping us avoid those pesky unwanted calls. Way to go! #iOS17 #LiveVoicemail #ByeByeUnwantedCalls."
"iOS 17 Live Voicemail has already helped catch & block my first of many spam calls. This might be the underrated feature of iOS 17," another added.
And a third resolved: "It’s a great feature. Probably the best of iOS 17 besides standby."
Topics: Technology, Apple, iPhone, Phones, Twitter, World News