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iPhone users warned about hidden ‘vampire bills’ that could be draining your bank account

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iPhone users warned about hidden ‘vampire bills’ that could be draining your bank account

Remember that thing you signed up for a couple months ago? Yeah, maybe you wanna check that

There’s that many bills and things to pay for, you sometimes might not realise exactly what you’re actually cashing out on.

Maybe you’ve got more of a ‘let it go and ignore it’ approach when it comes to your bank account. Or maybe you watch its every move and notice the ‘vampire bills’ draining your funds.

That’s because there might be apps and services on your iPhone that you hadn’t realised you were paying out for.

Or, as I’m sure many of us may be guilty of, you know you’re getting charged for a subscription, but it seems like too much effort to go through the hassle of trying to cancel it.

I know for one I’d rather save the cash than let it be vampire-sucked out by Apple.

But it’s a lot easier than you might think. I promise.

You don’t need to keep paying for that Apple TV subscription you never use or that game you played for three days six months ago. Or when did you even play with that Arcade subscription you decided was an investment?

You might want to check your subscriptions - it could save you a bit of cash.
Getty stock image

Or, more likely, you signed up for a free trial and forgot to cancel.

Whatever it is you’ve regrettably signed up for and keep paying out to, all you need to do is head to the 'Settings' app.

Then click on your name up at the top of the page.

Here you’ll find the 'Subscriptions' tab only a few options down.

And like a magic trick, you can find all the subscriptions you’re signed up for and its details.

Each option should show the name of what you’re paying out to and the cost of the plan you (probably forgot you’d) signed up for.

Head to subscriptions in settings to sort those bills.
Getty Stock Photo

It’ll also show you how often you’re charged and when the next payment is going out.

If you don’t fancy cancelling it, you could click on 'See All Plans'.

That way, instead of having a monthly amount going out, you could change to annual, so it feels like less of a drain. Or, if you’re totally done with the vampire effect, there should be a big red button at the bottom that says 'Cancel Subscription'.

And if you do cut out of it, you’ll still get to use whatever it is for the remaining time you’ve already paid for.

Don’t listen to that evil voice trying to tell you you'll use that subscription you know you've only used once during the six months you've had it.

But hey, you can always sign back up if you do actually want it.

Featured Image Credit: Getty stock images

Topics: iPhone, Apple, Money, Technology