We've all gone through the embarrassment of stalling our cars, haven't we? But all we have to do to get out of the cringey mishap is stick our hazards on, go back to neutral and just start again.
But it isn't as simple when a pilot does it while flying a plane.
Just take a look at the video that is currently doing the rounds online, which shows exactly what goes down in the cockpit when the crew hear the deafening warning alarm and realise the nose of the aircraft is drastically dipping down. Have a look here:
As I'm sure you can gather, it's a pretty unnerving situation to be in - especially with the added pressure of having hundreds of passengers lives in your hand.
The short clip taken in the cockpit shows a man calmly flying a plane as his co-pilot offers some words of wisdom while he is sat in the seat behind him.
Suddenly, the complex tech system starts to voice the words 'stall, stall' while an alarm rings out in between.
There is also quite the thunderous sound, which can only be compared to the noise of a car cash, as the engines clamour to try and keep the jet afloat.
Thankfully, the pilots didn't spin into a panic like the rest of us lot did when watching the clip and they managed to keep a cool head while fixing the issue safely.
But social media users have claimed they have been scarred for life by the 'scary' footage, who said that watching the stall in real-time has well and truly put them off air travel for the foreseeable future.

One said: "New fear unlocked. Thanks," while another wrote: "I know for a fact I would start ugly crying if that happened."
A third added: "I'm going on a plane on Friday, don't do this to me! I'm already scared."
And a fourth asked: "Does this hurt the plane?"
While a fifth joked: "That's not a stall, that's a Ryanair landing."
Stalling a plane is a lot different to stalling a car on the road - as, to put it simply, it is a reduction of lift which occurs when the wings angle of attack is increased too much.
Known as the critical angle of attack, this is typically around 15 degrees - but if you exceed this, you can run into issues.
Experts at Simple Flying explained: "In normal flight, the airflow over the shaped wings creates lift.
"The airfoil shape changes the airflow direction, and the downward deflection of the air causes an upward force (lift) to be exerted on the airfoil.
"Increasing the angle of attack causes flow separation, where the air no longer flows cleanly over the upper surface of the wing.

"If this angle reaches the critical angle, the airflow is disrupted to the point where the lift generated begins to decrease. It is the angle of attack of the wing exceeding its critical angle that causes a stall."
If the stall isn't corrected by quick off the mark pilots, the plane will begin to fall.
Those trusted to fly the aircraft might first notice their flight controls have become sluggish, because they are less responsive due to the changes in airflow.
Simple Flying continued: "An early stall is easily corrected by pushing the aircraft nose down to reduce the angle of attack. "This is, of course, much more serious at low altitudes when taking off or landing. If not corrected, the wing loses lift, and the aircraft will start to fall.
"Any fixed-wing aircraft can stall. And all aircraft have warning systems to prevent, or alert pilots, to dangers."
So don't panic if you suddenly feel like you're falling out of the sky - just hope your pilots are on top form that day.
Topics: Social Media, Technology, TikTok, Travel, Viral