Have you ever wondered what would happen if the UK were to descend into a nuclear war?
While we can’t say for certain exactly what measures would be put in place if a war of that magnitude were to ensue, we can estimate what warnings would be broadcast on our televisions.
Recently shared footage of what a nuclear broadcast "would look like in the UK" has appeared on TikTok - and it’s terrifying, to say the least.
Check out the video here:
The social media mogul, called @americansoldier on the platform, shared the video, which starts with a TV “beep” and read: “NATIONAL ATTACK WARNING SYSTEM”, in capitals.
The video then reads: “Wartime Broadcasting Service”, alongside a four-minute timer with the warning, “This country has been attacked with nuclear weapons, find shelter before the countdown expires”.
Underneath the ticking timer, a message reads: “We shall be on the air every hour, on the hour, stay tuned to this channel.
“The ‘all clear’ message will also be given on this channel.”
On the next slide, the message then reads: “Radioactive fall-out which follows a nuclear explosion is many times more dangerous.
“Especially if you are directly exposed to it in the open.
“Roofs and walls offer substantial protection. The safest place is indoors.
“Make sure gas and other fuel supplies are turned off and that all fires are extinguished.”
Meanwhile, a voice-over says: “Attention, attention. The UK is currently under attack from nuclear weapons. You have approximately four minutes to find shelter.

“Communications have been severely disrupted, the number of casualties and the extent of the damage is not yet known.”
Then, an air-raid siren is played while a different string of messages reads: “Make sure your food stocks last, ration your supply, because it may have to last for 14 days or more.
“If you have fresh food in the house, use this first to avoid wasting it, food in tins will keep.”
Following this, the broadcast warns about people who live in areas where nuclear fall-out is prevalent.
“If you live in an area where a fall-out warning has been given, stay in your fall-out room until you are told it is safe to come out.”
Following this, the voice-over warns that there are only “seconds” left on the timer, while the message warns: “Find shelter NOW”.
“Five seconds,” the voice-over reads.
The screen then fades to black as “signal lost” is shown.
While it is not clear whether the TikTok video is an accurate representation of what a nuclear broadcast would look like, a preparedness expert at the University of Essex did previously tell the Sun that the BBC should have an updated warning to broadcast, should an incident like this happen.
Professor John Preston told the publication: "The BBC has a policy called 'Connecting in a Crisis'. It will have protocols in place but we, as the public, don't know what they are.”
Topics: UK News, News, BBC, World War 2, Chernobyl